I Will Be Introducing a Cigar Guy To Pipe Smoking...

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Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
rather than smoke to "fit in" and be one of the guys, he saves his money for other things
Do him a favor, suggest he save his money and stick with the occasional cigar.
It sounds like your friend is more of a Poser than a Smoker. He smokes socially with friends who do. Seems the easiest thing for him to do is clip a cigar and light it when the occasion arises.
Jesus Christ, guys. No wonder there are so few of us out there. If he tries the pipe and doesn't like it it's not going to ruin his life. There is nothing wrong with being an occasional smoker, it still affords plenty of room to enjoy pipe smoking. I realize you all have good intentions here and are simply letting the OP know what he may need to expect, but a friend to smoke a pipe with is a rare commodity in this world, and if it something the OP desires (which it clearly is) can we not give him our best advice as ambassadors for the "hobby" (or whatever you want to call it) on how to be successful in doing that rather than calling his friend a Poser and discouraging him from even attempting to open his mind to the world of pipes and tobacco we all enjoy?
For the record, I hated screwing with humidor maintenance. I love tinkering with my pipes. They are different activities.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
He asked a question, I gave him my honest opinion. I'll never be accused of being an Ambassador but I'll also never be accused of blowing smoke up someone's ass either.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 15, 2019
Bethlehem, PA
He asked a question, I gave him my honest opinion. I'll never be accused of being an Ambassador but I'll also never be accused of blowing smoke up someone's ass either.

You also obviously have no problem passing judgement and belittling based on an assumption you made off of a minimal amount of information regarding a person you've never met.



Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
I realize I said something about it too, but if this is going to turn into another "fuck you, no fuck you" maybe those who wish to participate could move it to PMs so the OPs original thread topic can be preserved.



Aug 25, 2016
You also obviously have no problem passing judgement and belittling based on an assumption you made off of a minimal amount of information regarding a person you've never met.
You sound like a confrontational e-warrior yourself, though I agree with your general assessment. We should all be "smoking ambassadors" so to speak. The more pipe smokers there are, the better for all - I think we can all agree on that, more than likely. If someone expresses a curiosity in pipe smoking, I happily show them the way.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
You also obviously have no problem passing judgement and belittling based on an assumption you made off of a minimal amount of information regarding a person you've never met.
I'm belittling him by using the term poser? LMAO Grow some pal, seriously. There are tons of casual posers out there. I know a lot of posers. You think that is negative, I don't really. In some ways, I envy those who can smoke casually without having at least a mild addiction. You may view it however you wish. If you don't like my posting, scroll past them or if the site allows it, block me. I'll try to lose a minimal amount of sleep over it.
To be clear, if the guy asked me the same question face to face, I'd give him the same answer. Perhaps the tone in a conversation would come across less critical but the words wouldn't change. And if you were to confront me face to face, rest assured my response would be well less diplomatic than it was on here. I won't apologize for having an opinion that differs from your own. From what I see of you, I am in fact proud of it.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
We should all be "smoking ambassadors" so to speak. The more pipe smokers there are, the better for all - I think we can all agree on that, more than likely. If someone expresses a curiosity in pipe smoking, I happily show them the way.
I can think of no good reason to encourage another person to embrace, what is inherently and undeniably, an unhealthy and potentially expensive activity. You're not doing him any favors
If someone asks me about smoking I usually tell them to research the negatives, there are no positives, and make a decision. Smoking is a selfish decision, the only reason to smoke being, "I like it." And, I do indeed enjoy smoking tobacco. But, I feel no need to try and entice others into being as stupid as I am.
good for hooking new smokers IMO)
has selected a great word. Which would mean "pusher" is a great descriptor for the one doing the "hooking." I expect a bunch of panties will get bunched at this point. Save it! It's my opinion and not subject to change, no matter the argument.



Aug 25, 2016
I can think of no good reason to encourage another person to embrace, what is inherently and undeniably, an unhealthy and potentially expensive activity. You're not doing him any favors
The more the merrier, because otherwise there will be no demand for pipes and tobacco, causing the suppliers and manufacturers go out of business.
Compared to all the common vices (alcohol, overeating, non-exercising) out there, a couple of pipes per day is really pretty benign and also not very expensive. I don't go out trying to recruit pipe smokers, but if someone wants to try, then I'll help - just like I wouldn't skip a chance to recommend a good whiskey just because alcohol is unhealthy and expensive. In moderation, these are minor vices that we don't need to feel bad about.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
The more the merrier, because otherwise there will be no demand for pipes and tobacco, causing the suppliers and manufacturers go out of business.
Objectively, this appears to be a good thing. Well, except for some who would be unable to adapt, tobacco growers, workers in the trade, and smokers. I'm a firm believer in the adage, "Adapt or die." I've made the selfish decision why in the world would I show any consideration for the people in the industry. They'll simply need to find another line of work or, vice. Or, am I not being selfish enough? If they lose employment I lose tobacco. I'll simply adapt to the circumstances. Perhaps I'll grow my own.
I am not going to conflate the tobacco argument. Booze, obesity, etc? Simply ways of diverting attention from the subject, tobacco use.



Aug 25, 2016
Objectively, this appears to be a good thing. Well, except for some who would be unable to adapt, tobacco growers, workers in the trade, and smokers. I'm a firm believer in the adage, "Adapt or die." I've made the selfish decision why in the world would I show any consideration for the people in the industry. They'll simply need to find another line of work or, vice.
It's not about consideration for the industry people - it's about the desire to keep pipes and tobacco available. Most of us agree that would be a good thing for pipe smokers. It would be objectively good, in the same sense, if there was no food in stores other than the healthiest of foods, and no liquor either, but most of us wouldn't consider that a desirable set of circumstances.
I am not going to conflate the tobacco argument. Booze, obesity, etc? Simply ways of diverting attention from the subject, tobacco use.
Unhealthy behaviors (and healthy behaviors, for that matter) don't exist in a vacuum. One activity must be considered in light of other common activities in order to gain context.



Feb 21, 2013
Maybe the best advice is to tempt no one. If anyone is a safer candidate for trying smoking a pipe, it is this guy, who is only a social cigar smoker for time out with the guys. He sounds like an improbable addict. As a relaxation, and more importantly as a basis for socializing and friendship, neither of which is a strong suit with men as a group, pipe smoking may actually have indirect health benefits.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
So in order to pursue our own self interest, we should promote an unhealthy and potentially expensive vice to other people? Warren spoke a lot of words of wisdom IMHO.
I struggle with the idea that Government can dictate whether or not I allow a legal activity to occur within my business or personal property. I equally struggle with the idea of promoting something with zero benefits and potential harm to other people. Should we be encouraging people who don't smoke weed to start doing so? And people who don't drink now to start enjoying high end bourbons?
I just love people who ask for advice or an opinion and the rip into the person providing it when they happen to disagree with what was offered.



Aug 25, 2016
I disagree with the position that moderate pipe or cigar smoking even poses a significant health risk. Is it unhealthy? Sure. How unhealthy? Not very. For anyone curious, read up on Professor Bradley Rodu who holds an endowed chair on cancer and tobacco research at University of Louisville. The FDA's own research, when their statistics are analyzed objectively, shows only a minutely increased risk of harm as a result of moderate pipe and cigar use.
That being said, I don't see any harm in showing someone the ropes of pipe smoking IF THEY ASK ABOUT IT AND SHOW INTEREST. Nobody is talking about trying to go out and recruit new smokers. Nobody is talking about pushing tobacco use on those who would not otherwise use it.
Now that I'm home from work early, I'm going to go enjoy a relaxing afternoon pipe and a little dram of bourbon, and if one of my friends asks to join, he's welcome to sample anything in my tobacco cellar or liquor cabinet :puffy:



Mar 11, 2018
I understand that an adult expressed interest in smoking a pipe to a pipe smoking adult. That pipe smoker has come to the forum to seek advice on what pipe and blends might be suitable. I don't see anything wrong with that.
If an adult came to me and expressed interest in smoking a pipe I would probably also offer him (or her) a pipe and some blends that I think he might like. I'd not go out of my way to convince someone to smoke a pipe but that doesn't seem to be the case here. I respect that adults can make their own decision on whether or not to smoke.
Edit: I see lawdawg just posted something similar.



Jan 31, 2011
You pipe smokers are all a bunch of degenerate, drug-addled posers.
Stop trying to spread your filthy disease to innocent bystanders.
Now I really need some nicotine after the traumatic experience of reading this thread.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 13, 2017
good for hooking new smokers IMO)
has selected a great word. Which would mean "pusher" is a great descriptor for the one doing the "hooking." I expect a bunch of panties will get bunched at this point. Save it! It's my opinion and not subject to change, no matter the argument.
Oh for crying our loud, he's a pack a day Marlboro smoker and a 2-3 cigar a day smoker. I "HOOKED" him on the taste and experience of pipe smoking.
Good job taking a statement and spinning a narrative.



Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
Should we be encouraging people who don't smoke weed to start doing so?
No. But if someone already casually smokes joints, but they want to try it in a pipe..........sure. Sounds like a few folks on this thread could use both right now.
And people who don't drink now to start enjoying high end bourbons?
No. But if someone already enjoys it neat, and they wan't to try it on the rocks..............sure. Sounds like a few folks on this thread could use both right now.



Jan 31, 2011
Just wanted to add:
@OP: If you want to ask a simple question about introducing a cigar smoking buddy to pipe smoking, you really should do it on a pipe smoking forum, not here.
This place is self-loathing-nicotine-addicts-anonymous.com

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