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  1. mihailo

    NW Indiana Get Together?

    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone within the NW/NE Indiana area would be wanting to get together in the near future? Suggested dates Saturday (11/30) or (12/07). Folks could meet at Valparaiso's CDO lounge?
  2. mihailo

    Esoterica question

    So I found out my local tobacco shop is stockpiled with esoterica Pembroke and one or two other bulk bags of esoterica blends. my question is do I go for it and grab what I can?
  3. mihailo

    First Pipe advice

    As like many here I attempting to venture into making a pipe. I am wanting to make an reverse Calabash from morta in either of the two styles shown. I was wondering what helpful advise you all might have and or what your oppinions are of the Sketches shapes.
  4. mihailo

    perfect eve for a Lunt

    Here in northern Indiana we just recently received some snow, so what do I think "go walk in the cold, bring your pipe.' boy let me tell you this was probably my best idea in weeks. let me paint a picture of how it was here on campus, there was no wind, almost no sound and almost no people just...
  5. mihailo

    Comoy VS Peterson

    Howdy all, I pose a question for all of you. If you had to choose between a Peterson Christmas pipe(2016) or a Comoy of comparable price, and or shape which would you choose? (its an odd question I know.)
  6. mihailo

    first commission! (Adam)

    over the summer Adam and I were in the planning phase for a commissioned freehand. Well just today I looked in the mail and there was a suspiciously pipe sized box waiting for me, as expected I could hardly contain my excitement and quickly opened the box to find a wonderful pipe bag and an even...
  7. mihailo

    Akin pipe club?

    Browsing ebay when I come across acouple Meers branded by Akin pipe club, unsmoaked. Stated to be block Meer, was wondering if anyone has heard of em?
  8. mihailo

    Preventing PAD

    Help I am being drawn down the lane of PAD, I already have a pipe from Adam comming, however those Sav 320's and prince shaped pipes are drawing me in. I fear if I succumb I won't have any funds to fuel my TAD.
  9. mihailo

    pipe tamping and lighting

    I am wondering just how char/lit you let your tobacco get, and or how much it is supposed to be? additionally how frequently do you tamp, and with what amount of force, I ask because I try to tamp every so often and with the weight of the tool, but i dont seem to get any difference in level with...
  10. mihailo

    avatar inquiry

    I was wondering if my accounts avatar is showing up for others? it is supposed to be a an tribute HP Lovecraft, but for me it doesn't show up.
  11. mihailo

    first meerschaum

    I decided to go with my first meerschaum, and ended up going with this beauty.
  12. mihailo

    Best aromatics

    I know this is a subjective toppic/question, but I am currious to know what you all would say the best aromatic blends out there are?
  13. mihailo

    Bekler meerschaum

    I was hoping to gain some input, I was wondering if a $80 signed bekler meerschaum is a good grab? I appoligise for any ignorance on my part.
  14. mihailo

    tentative meer

    I was wondering what you all thought of this meerschaum, I am a relatively new pipe smoker, and am trying to gather a variety of pipes to try? I am somewhat experienced with briar, but not with the white goddess. Eskisehir - Lattice Egg Eagle's Claw Turkish Handmade Meerschaum Tobacco Pipe...
  15. mihailo

    Dr Grabow belvedere

    So while I was browsing my towns countless antique malls, I came across a selection of pretty beat up non name pipes, however one in particular caught my eye. The pipe was a sandblasted like Dr Grabow in a author shape, I believe little to no visible defects and a complete stinger, and for...
  16. mihailo

    NW Indiana clubs.

    I was browsing around,and was wondering if anyone knows of any clubs, or individuals who are around the northwest Indiana area?
  17. mihailo

    Best makers under $120.

    What in this forums opinions are some of the best new and or estate pipes, other than Savinellis, and Petersons within a $120 budget, (aka smoke above their price) can be maker or a specific line? I am hoping to get something abit unique with some bend, but for now lets focus on the task at hand.
  18. mihailo

    Winslow Crown and Nording

    Hello again, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with either of these two makers, I have been looking at some of there pipes in addition to Peterson and Savinelli, and wanted to know how their quality compares?
  19. mihailo

    Elegance and grace, a female pipe smoker.

    Being the young Batchelor I am, I have spent many a time seeking out the company of the gentle creatures we call females. I have yet to find one who fits the bill of elegance, intelligence and by far the deal sealer smokes a pipe with such. I was wondering if I am dammed to this eternal...
  20. mihailo

    silly inquiry

    Howdy, I have a silly question, if I am 20 and live in Indiana, and I am in Chicago would I be thrown right out if I went in and only looked around in a pipe store? again silly question.