I wouldn’t know! Kinda lived it backwards, I guess? Learned to surf and got scuba certified before I was 14 along with doing all the stupid teenager stuff. Joined the military at 17 and toward the end, ended up deployed for Desert Storm. Raised 4 great kids and destroyed 3 marriages. Drank heavily (still kinda fond of that one). Was heavy into road racing motor cycles. After 09-11 went back, volunteered for 6 deployments between Iraq and Afghanistan from the age of 41-49. Spent a lot of that time humping 110 lbs of gear (I only weigh 165) after being dropped off at the end of a dirt runway with a bunch of whiny 22 yr olds who really don’t “get” life. Been shot at, rocketed and mortared. Woke up at 50 and decided to stop the shenanigans. Now, all I want to do is sit on the back porch with my beautiful wife and smoke a pipe with a beer. I guess that I kind of Peyton Manning’ed life and quit before I got to the super bowl and lost?