Your Own "Best" Tobacco

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 10, 2024
I assume the island is in the tropics. HH Pure Virginia. I could take the unlimited supply of this that I was gifted daily from the skies and smoke it pure, also ferment coconut rum and make a navy blend out of it and then also char some palm fronds and driftwood to create my own poor man's dark fired as well as jamming a bunch into a hollowed-out log to ferment as island perique. If these activities are disallowed, I would take Old Gowrie and call it a day.


Jul 17, 2022
The ones that are hardest to get ahold of are the best ones. I wish it was not that way, but it is.
Hard disagree.
Some hard-to-get blends are amazing for sure but some just taste like middle of the road pipe tobacco.

There are greatest-of-all-time style blends being made as I type this that are relatively inexpensive, plentiful, and nothing less than phenomenal.


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 16, 2015
Sacramento, CA
HH Old Dark Fired ready rubbed. It's a real meat and potatoes kind of blend. Not the best tasting blend ever but it's always satisfying to smoke, easy to light and smoke, and has enough nicotine to keep me happy.


Jun 30, 2013
All time (no longer available) = Butera Kingfisher

Readily available = Orlik Golden Sliced (with Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake a close second).
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Jul 29, 2024
My favorite is Early Morning Pipe. When I heard the rumor that Dunhill was leaving the tobacco business I started buying all the EMP that I could find. I have a good supply of 2005-2007 tins. The newer ones are not bad, but don’t have the age on them. I have smoked some from 2013 and they are good.


Aug 15, 2024
New York City
I’ve got to say, these kinds of threads get me questioning myself a little.

I’m a Virginia guy, and 95% of my smokes are straight Virginia flakes, so as you’d suspect someone like me to say: FVF, Capstan, anything McClelland…BUT…

When I look at my jars and the ones I refill constantly, it’s gotta be Sutliff 507C without a doubt. A no-nonsense, easy smoking bulk that won’t knock your socks off, but just seems to be reached for more often than any other. Go figure.
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Can't Leave
OK, I recently made a post that was entitled Your Own "Worst" Tobacco and lots of people replied, and I got some great answers.
Now I am interested in your best tobacco! If you found out that you were going to be stranded on a desert island for 10 years and could take an endless supply of only one tobacco what would you take?
Mine would probably be a Boswell's Military Force.
Well, tastes shift and right now, I'm into Orientals. But your question begs not a shifting phase, but one tobacco you could smoke, day in and day out, on a desert island. Yeah, it's not my favorite or latest fling, but the most stable, reliable and smokable tobacco I've experienced to this point in my life. Never regretted lighting up a pipeful.

Smokers' Pride Whiskey Tobacco

'Nuff said
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Might Stick Around
Nov 14, 2023
Captain black and stokkebye luxury navy flake. Match 20 supposed to be like 965 although I never had it is really growing on me as a close 3rd. And an honorable mention for Duke Albert if I’m feeling a no nonsense burley for that day.


Can't Leave
Hmmmm . . . . some philosphy here. I rethought my reply, and remembered a couple of posts above where the posters said, that if they could only smoke one tobacco, they'd give up the pipe.

I translated those answers to my own professional field: "Gord, if you could only listen to one piece of music, or play one piece of music, what would it be?" Oh, dung.

I'm afraid I agree with the two posts. I'd sell my violin and stop playing and listening. Our natural human fondness is for variety in any endeavor except basic survival. Music, and smoking a pipe I think, are similar in this truth They are pleasures. My own answer above, which is basically a plain codger blend, would suffice if the mere relaxation involved was paramount. As it is not like food, necessary for survival, I'd cease and desist.

These guys get the kewpie doll.

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Sep 28, 2024
Boswell's Northwoods is my desert island blend. My favorite pipe tobacco when I first started was McClelland's Frog Morton's Cellar. This is the only thing I have found that is close to it. It is a cool, smoky, and tasty smoke!
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