I know its a factory pipe but my favorite of mine and my most beautiful is my Peterson St Paddys 2015 408
Bro, it's about what you have and we all have different tastes anyway. Green pipes are good pipes imho.
Cajun, I'm sending you a psychic high five on that Garbe. Exquisite design. So graceful. Wish I owned i but am glad it went to a deserving soul.
I'd post my prettiest pipe if I could martial the brain power to figure out how to post a photo here. That seems unlikely particularly as the gin has begun to flow. So I'll just say, it comes down to either an old comoy's with a strongly canted bowl and a broken off stem (now a nose warmer) or my Yuki Pot, which is unstained, lightly blasted and tiny. I have a new Satou arriving on Monday so that may change. And I just had the most interesting pipe come in from Askwith this last Weds. Rambling now.
Awesome pipes guys!