It's actually a great little nosewarmer, if I'm not mistaken they've been in production since the mid-50's. Made by the Dutch.
It's a cool chunky thing. I do enjoy a good nose warmer. Who made it?
It's actually a great little nosewarmer, if I'm not mistaken they've been in production since the mid-50's. Made by the Dutch.
Big Ben makes them. It's called a pipo, that wasn't a typo ?It's a cool chunky thing. I do enjoy a good nose warmer. Who made it?
I didn't know you were such a piping veteran! ?
Some unmemorable whiskey aro from my old local B&M in this pipo.
View attachment 9517
That was 8 years ago.
I always liked the shape of those; never got around to buying one...
This GiGi/Mastercraft Seville & Torben Dansk are some shorter pipes that fit well and feel good in my hand though...
How about 'seasoned'? Seasoned Thyme? ?I got a head start at 17. Although 'veteran' may be too strong of a designation.
How long ago was your first pipe smoking experience, Olkofri? I love that your fist pipe was a churchwarden. Fantastic!
This GiGi/Mastercraft Seville & Torben Dansk are some shorter pipes that fit well and feel good in my hand though...
believe my first pipe was a Dr. Grabow, and a tin of Half & Half I bought at the BX when I was stationed at Mtn. Home AFB in 1981. That didn’t exactly go well since I didn’t know what the hell I was doing...
Hey, that's fitting. ? Your sense of humor doesn't go unappreciated.How about 'seasoned'? Seasoned Thyme? ?