Way back in 1970 when I began smoking a pipe, I picked up a large tin of Middleton's Cherry and smoked that until it was gone. I then went in search of something better so I ended up going through all of the many drug store blends available at that time. I tried SWR, Half and Half, Carter Hall, Flying Dutchman, Amphora, Scandavinak, Apple, and finally settled on Borkum Riff, which at that time was a very good tobacco. I stayed with Borkum Riff until it began to decline in quality and switched off to certain aromatics again, like Dan's Blue Note. About 15 years ago I found that I dearly loved Virginia/Perique tobacco and settled on McClelland 2015 as the tobacco to stick with. It was rather inexpensive in 5 pound bags, so I purchased as much as I could and stored it in mason jars. I am now smoking tobacco that has been aging for the past decade or so. Except for the occasional tin of Escudo or an occasional pouch of something I wish to revisit, I have not had to purchase any tobacco in about 7 years. I figure I am good for another few years worth of free smoking if I actually pace myself.