My first blend was back when I was probably around 18, and a friend of mine went into a Mall tobacco shop and each picked up a cob, and an ounce of some blend the (idiot)worker suggested. I dont remember the name of the blend, but it was from a Stag tobacconist. I think it had rum in the name of it. Didn't take long for me to experience all of the smokeing "hate" that the new pipers speak of here due to it being an aromatic, and not knowing anything about technique.
Fast forward about 3 years ago, and I decided to give it a go again, and ordered a few cobs and a hardwood from P&C, along with some 1oz samples of various blends. Lane - Very Cherry, 1Q, Dunhill's - EMP, and SPC - Mississippi River.
Started with the 1Q, and experienced much of the same things I did back when I first tried pipe tobacco. Figured I'd give EMP a try since it was something completely different.
Transcendence!!! This is what I had been searching for. I sat for about 40 min and smoked a bowl of EMP in silence, and was hooked from that moment on. I've been smoking non-aro's since then. I always recommend EMP to people looking for first english tobacco's just because it helped me discover how great this hobby is.
I still smoke the occasional aromatic now and then, but I dont get near as much satisfaction from them as I do non-aros. Most the time I end up cutting them with some burley, or Carter Hall just to make them interesting. I usually smoke them for the sake of my wife because she likes how they smell.