Your Enduring Fallback Smoke?

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I do not have a fallback. I will have four to six jars/tins open, and just draw from those. I don't even have an absolute favorite, because recipes and differences in harvest, changes in who manufactures it... makes them change. I used to say that McClellands Guillotine Slices... but.... then it was Astleys 109 was my fav, but then STG fucked it up. Then it was Escudo, and then STG fucked that up too. I have since developed a strong repulsion to the morons running STG as of late. But, now, I just don't get attached to any single blend. And, I avoid all of the shit that comes out of STG. But, if C&D went tits up, I'd just quit smoking pipes.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
In the mornings it is usually 2012 Fribourg & Treyer Cut Virginia Plug or 2012 Rotary Navy Cut. Next is usually Wessex Brigade Campaign Dark Flake or Astleys no 44 Dark Flake. Next is either a Vaper or a Vabur. When I can't decide I just go to my 2007 Stonehaven or 2005 Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky, or my 2012 Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls or 2012 Solani 633. There are times when I want to smoke a specific pipe so I will grab the tobacco that goes with that pipe.

All of these blends and pipes will change for a few months, then I get on a kick with other pipes and tobacco. I never stay on the same blends or pipes for very long as I do like variety.


Apr 16, 2014
Bryan, Texas
My normal day consists mostly of two blends. GLP Chelsea Morning with my coffee, and Low Country Cooper during the day. But, 2 or 3 times a week I want a bowl of something else, and that's when I reach for one of about 30 jars to smoke a bowl from. I intentionally mix it up, so I don't always grab the same type of blend. It just gives me a chance to smoke something different, and inevitably reinforces my choice that my two daily smokers are what I like the most.