oh, rogers, Billy Budd? I love that stuff. I guess it's just what music you dance to.
Duds for me have been a sample of Briar Fox which just didn't have much flavor; Mac Baren's Navy Mixture, a blend of many tobaccos, that was biting before the can was opened; Sir Walter which has no detectable taste; and Half and Half which is a good basic tobacco combined with unidentifiable aromatic flavors that are just too distracting.
Surprises on the plus side: Sutliff blends that are economy priced but quite good include Balkan 957, Great Outdoors, and Westminster (not the GLP version). C&D's non-aromatic burley blends -- especially Old Joe Krantz and Billy Budd and others. And PC's Home and Hearth Midtown non-aromatic blend from Russ O., Chestnut, which is a match blend to the discontinued Walnut that is made up of six tobaccos and is my favorite tub tobacco by a wide margin.
I steered clear of Captain Bob just from the descriptive write-up, low strength and taste.
Duds for me have been a sample of Briar Fox which just didn't have much flavor; Mac Baren's Navy Mixture, a blend of many tobaccos, that was biting before the can was opened; Sir Walter which has no detectable taste; and Half and Half which is a good basic tobacco combined with unidentifiable aromatic flavors that are just too distracting.
Surprises on the plus side: Sutliff blends that are economy priced but quite good include Balkan 957, Great Outdoors, and Westminster (not the GLP version). C&D's non-aromatic burley blends -- especially Old Joe Krantz and Billy Budd and others. And PC's Home and Hearth Midtown non-aromatic blend from Russ O., Chestnut, which is a match blend to the discontinued Walnut that is made up of six tobaccos and is my favorite tub tobacco by a wide margin.
I steered clear of Captain Bob just from the descriptive write-up, low strength and taste.