In the absence of all inspiration, my remains will no longer desire the pipe.
brian64 Lifer Jan 31, 2011 10,175 16,556 Jul 14, 2013 #21 In the absence of all inspiration, my remains will no longer desire the pipe.
cigrmaster Lifer May 26, 2012 20,248 57,313 67 Sarasota Florida Jul 14, 2013 #22 When it is my time to go I will be buried in one of these, no worms and maggots are going to get my dead ass.
When it is my time to go I will be buried in one of these, no worms and maggots are going to get my dead ass.
tslex Lifer Jun 23, 2011 1,482 15 Jul 14, 2013 #23 "If I cannot smoke in heaven, then I shall not go." -- Mark Twain
tjameson Lifer Jun 16, 2012 1,191 4 Jul 15, 2013 #24 If I don't have a son or relative that would appreciate and smoke my pipes. Then I would be buried with my Tsuge that was my first Christmas gift from my daughter. I would also want all my tobacco with me, gotta have choices.
If I don't have a son or relative that would appreciate and smoke my pipes. Then I would be buried with my Tsuge that was my first Christmas gift from my daughter. I would also want all my tobacco with me, gotta have choices.
P plateauguy Lifer Mar 19, 2013 2,412 21 Jul 15, 2013 #25 I plan on cremation. In my will, the rest of my pipes go to a few good friends. I just can't stand to see them wasted.
I plan on cremation. In my will, the rest of my pipes go to a few good friends. I just can't stand to see them wasted.
werdna Can't Leave Jun 6, 2013 360 2 Jul 15, 2013 #26 My ashes will be spread on a pond in the Green Mountains. A no smoking zone.
latbomber Part of the Furniture Now May 10, 2013 570 4 Jul 15, 2013 #27 cortezattic has the coolest idea, I would definitely go for a deathly pipe.
nsfisher Lifer Nov 26, 2011 3,566 22 Nova Scotia, Canada Jul 16, 2013 #28 I shall be burned. I'm taking nothing with me but a personal cheque for one million dollars. I can buy lots of pipes and tobacco in the Great Beyond.
I shall be burned. I'm taking nothing with me but a personal cheque for one million dollars. I can buy lots of pipes and tobacco in the Great Beyond.