a while back i had posted about swearing off anything that was non aromatic and how I felt like giving up because i could never taste the "grassy" virginias or the "nutty" burleys. the only flavors i ever tasted were w aros and i just didnt "get" standard non aro blends. they all seemed very one note. I saw them as plain and boring. i received the standard advice i see given frequently which is slow down, focus on your cadence, pack correctly, light correctly and ultimately give yourself time to become a better pipe smoker. I was told countless times it would come and id soon appreciate all of the subtle nuances and flavors that non aros provide. Well i took it to heart and have really been focusing on all of the advice and experimenting w different blends, specifically VaPers. im happy to report that ive had my lighbulb moment. over the past month i have come to absolutely adore some non aro blends and when reaching in the cellar no longer gravitate towards the aros i used to. Ill occasionally throw in an autumn evening or a xmas blend for fun but its been straight VaPers for weeks. its great to have things click and discover flavors i had been missing.