WTF do Parents Think? Rant!

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Sep 17, 2023
Im not terrified of sniffles but damned if I dont want to get sick by a kid in passing that parents dont teach to even cover its mouth when they hack all over the dinner table. My guess is when you get old you will feel different. Maybe you will teach your kid better. My parents did. They had respect for their parents and other older people in the family. They were not just meal tickets and hopeful folks to inherit from. It has nothing to do with family values. Good of you to try. I guess you are among the modern folk who dont belive in germs. Go ahead, belive what you read on facebook.
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Sep 17, 2023
Well...ours are local and sorrry...they are not welcome sick. Especially without notice. They are not grandchildren...they are just in the family. I would have never taken my son to anyone sick without letting them know. I guess that makes me a bad guy but that was how I was raised. If I say fine thats on me....but just showing up like its all good is not ok in my book. And like I said...teach your damn kids when they are sick some basic precautions...even if they are meager. Sorry but to me manners make a difference. I suppose Im Just an ass but Im fine with that.


Feb 2, 2022
Im not terrified of sniffles but damned if I dont want to get sick by a kid in passing that parents dont teach to even cover its mouth when they hack all over the dinner table. My guess is when you get old you will feel different. Maybe you will teach your kid better. My parents did. They had respect for their parents and other older people in the family. They were not just meal tickets and hopeful folks to inherit from. It has nothing to do with family values. Good of you to try. I guess you are among the modern folk who dont belive in germs. Go ahead, belive what you read on facebook.
That’s a lot of assumptions you are making about me.

Speak Easy

Jan 12, 2024
Western Oklahoma
I think the biggest problem is showing up without invitation or calling ahead. I don’t care if you’re young and snotty or old and crotchety. Don’t show up at my house without letting me know at least 30 mins to an hour in advance or you will not like how you’re welcomed. 🤣 That being said. Most kids nowadays have a serious lack of manners and respect. Shit…I’ll go as far as to say most young adults. But that’s just my .02.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 8, 2022
I get what you're saying, but that's a very modern mentality. Should you do your best to protect the elderly and infirmed? Sure. Did you consider that a lot of the elderly would rather take the risk of minor infection than not get to see their young ones? Also, use of the term "breeder" is pretty cringe... you sound like a self-absorbed millennial. Whether you worship God or science, reproducing is considered the most basic of duties/functions a human carries out. It is a common good, no matter how you look at it. I'm sure you're a cool dude and are just flustered, but your post makes you sound a little unhinged.


Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
How is it ever ok to bring your sick, coughing, contgeous rug rat to the homes of older relatives? Do you think we are that interested in seeing them? Guess what? You are wrong! Stay away. Keep your kid at home. Damn breeders.
I'm not a fan of illnesses. Children are great. For me .... the grandkids are the avenue of revenge. They visit, I load them up with sugar, and send them back home!


Can't Leave
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
I am 53 years old, my wife is 49.
We both made the choice many years ago to NOT have kids.
My sister has 2 girls....both grown
My brother has 2 boys.....both grown
My niece has 4 boys and 2 girls.....all under 16.
I have plenty of sick kids around!
I personally do not get sick.
I have not had a cold or flu in over 20+ years, no Covid, no shot.
My wife gets colds and flu several times a year and had Covid once.
Because my niece has 5 kids in public school, she often has a sicko in her possession. She often believes my wife and I NEED to see the kids when at least one is ill. Several times my wife has got the sniffles or a full blow cold from the rug rats. We have let her know that we do NOT need to see contagious vermin...... yet, they still show up.
Sometimes I spray them down with fly spray and Lysol!! :)


Dec 3, 2021
Bagshot Row, Hobbiton
How is it ever ok to bring your sick, coughing, contgeous rug rat to the homes of older relatives? Do you think we are that interested in seeing them? Guess what? You are wrong! Stay away. Keep your kid at home. Damn breeders.
Did you actually get sick or just afraid you might ? I would agree that the better parenting is to keep the child at home resting and getting better. Too much running around (unless to a Dr) won't help the child get better.


Sep 17, 2023
Im more concerned about my wife. I stay away from him when he is sick but she feels she has to take care of him and her health isnt that hot. Of course since its her family I cant say anything. If it was mine I would give them a piece of my mind.


Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I really hope that parents would keep their sick kids home from school, but the reality is, that's not a possibility for a lot of parents.

My kids are constantly sick from something caught at school.

That said, if the kids are sick we keep them away from our parents or from church.
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Jan 30, 2020
New Jersey
If you are sick, stay out of my house. Same for office. This hasn’t been some post-covid thing, this has always been a “keep your shit to yourself” thing.

If someone is sick and needs my assistance, I may and likely go over to their place to assist but that decision is on my terms.