Ok, now that everyone has had their say, this is the definitive list of the world's best vapers.
Escudo, it is the vaper in which all others are judged.
Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls, very similar to Escudo but people with a discerning palate, can easily recognize that the Dunhill NR is a sweeter blend with less peppery overtones that the Escudo has.
Samuel Gawith St James Flake. A world class flake that can also be bought in bulk.
Solani 633, it's honey topping makes it a very nice sweet vaper when fresh. When aged it is similar to the old Three Nuns in that the Perique gets stronger with age and becomes more spicy. I have it fresh and I have a bunch from 2002 and they are like night in day in their differences. Both are excellent.
Now that I have published my list, you can stop looking.
ps, I should also mention that GL Pease Haddo's Delight is also a world class Vaper and it would have made my list if I could smoke it. Unfortunately for me that red Virginia content is too high and it bites me badly so if any of you are prone to bite because of the red's be careful with this one. If I ever get over my problem with the red's this is the first blend I would add to my cellar because it is that tasty.
pps, Orlik Golden in my opinion is not a vaper as I have never detected even the slightest hint of Perique in it, even after aging it for 15 years I could not taste any Perique.
Here endeth the lesson.
But seriously folks, there are a ton of great vapers on the market, but my four are the best. :crazy: