Like many in the U.S., I've had to cultivate my interest in what the world calls football and U.S. Americans call soccer. Like many, I first felt the goal needed to be bigger to keep the scores from staying so low ... one to nothing indeed. But on several trips to U.K., Ireland and Europe, I eventually got the idea. It's a lot of play for a low-low score, usually, and once you accept that, you're hypnotized along with the rest of the world. My nephew by my late wife was a firebrand goalie in high school, taking after my late wife's dad's athleticism (grandpa was a natural athlete in several sports). Well, the U.S. didn't even make the tournament, which slackened interest considerably in the U.S. The fact that it is played in Russia dampens enthusiasm with some. I am intrigued that Croatia is in the running. If the Brits are in the final game, I'll probably tune in; they were another underdog. I can follow the ball better than I can see the puck in hockey, so that's a big plus for these old eyes. Some of the Forums members in U.K. and Europe are likely on this every day. I got grabbed in a Korean grocery store a few days ago where the owner had it on a big flat screen TV. Once you get grabbed, whole days can go by. I have to be careful about that.