I could care less.... than zero.
Holding down the fort- fine by me. Never heard anyone whinge about that expression, but there you are.
Holding down the fort- fine by me. Never heard anyone whinge about that expression, but there you are.
Well, tbh, it's probably the Navy in him too.
Never thought of it, but that is a little comical. ?why is "I" capitalized, but "you" is not? Seems narcissistic to me.
I am 62 years old and I write like a a 5 year old as I am a lefty ad can't write for squat. I was a poor student and never paid attention so I learned nothing about tenses and other english principles.
I couldn't tell you if you were speaking to me with all kinds of mistakes grammar wise or tense wise as I don't give flying f. Now some people would assume that I am just some lowly worker who has not had the benefits of a proper education. They would be wrong as I went to great schools plus a good prep school. I had many other things on my mind during those years most of it was sex related. If you can believe it, I had a solid 2.0 gpa, and an astonishing 470 in math and 480 in English That certainly didn't set the world on fire. So a phone call to a certain person got me into Boston Univeristy just like my dad and sister. I had no right to be there but actually got a 2.0 for 2 years and technically have an associates degree. Once they figured me out they asked me not to come back and I was free. No more tenses, no more adverbs.
I was free to brutalize the english ;;language as I saw fit. I fit right in in the car business as no one went to college to get a job there. Then in 1990 I started my first business and no one would dare correct my grammar except for my dad of course. He was a major ball buster so I would speak street around him to get him going. He was a corporate tax attorney. When I dropped out it broke his heart as I was suppsed to be the next lawyer in the firm. Instead I went my own way did very well and he got to see 3 of his grand children and died before he met the 4th
Language has it's place. People who speaka da good englash like me, are necessary we keep all you others feel good about youse selvs.
Just one more which came to mind: "Flustrated" As in "I was so flustrated that I missed lunch yesterday. I understand that it's a combo of "Frustrated" and "Flustered" but lease just pick one! A fellow who used to work for me said that a lot and it drove me nuts--
My family were and are country folk but my Dad always said Howt Do ?It used to be "How do you do?". To which the correct response was "How do you do?".
I can see how that would confuse a non-native English speaker; actually it probably confuses many non-English English speakers too.
I've seen a bunch of "More cool" instead of cooler.
More tight; more sweet, more fast, more whatever.... Is it an attempt to sound profounder?