Know your cigars! You should learn the amount of time it takes you to smoke the different size
cigars you like. It will only take a short time to know just about the time it will take you to smoke a corona vs a robusto vs a Toro and so on. Before you light one up, consider if you have enough time to finish it. Because once it dies out, unless you relight it within minutes, within an hour, or so, it will never be the same. Ya! you can relight it several hours later or even the next day, but it will not be same and in most cases, it will be a terrible smoke. It is what it is!
Good points. Also, know your nicotine tolerance and choose cigar size and strength accordingly. I usually smoke Robustos or smaller in one sitting, but my wife bought me a box of ten Churchill size cigars as a gift. These were great cigars but I could only make it halfway or a little more through before the nicotine started hitting hard and I had to put it down. I would try relighting the next day but the cigar tasted ashy and harsh. So, I felt bad for wasting so much of a great cigar. On a good day I was able to get through an entire cigar but that was pushing it.
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