Why We're Doomed, aka Paying for a Pizza

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Jul 21, 2020
Golly, I love how all of this is always the fault of the youth, and not the people who were supposed to raise them and teach them the ways of the world. Yes, if our children are failing, it must be because of the rest of the world. It's the media and the government and the schools. It's certainly not our charge as adults to help people grow - after all, we can always just get them fired and replaced with someone else.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 15, 2024
Austin, TX
That employee probably said to their co-worker "this dipshit doesn't know how expiration dates get entered for credit cards..I bet they can't even read a clock"
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Apr 26, 2024
London UK
The total was $9.10... I gave the lady a ten dollar bill and a dime. She gave the dime back and said I had given her too much money.

This happened two days ago.

You better believe we're in trouble.
Some people have never understood that, most do. Or did. The dwindling use of cash is now making that a specialized skill.

A friend in retail tells me how their card reader went down and they had to ask customers for cash. Suddenly, regulars were querying every item price where before they'd blithely tapped a card or waved a phone, oblivious to the amount. It was as if "yoohoo, reality here, remember me?" and people were really uncomfortable with it.


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
The total was $9.10... I gave the lady a ten dollar bill and a dime. She gave the dime back and said I had given her too much money.
This was quite a common thing in Greece (now many/most pay contactless/with their phones), I recall them giving me back whatever coins I'd added on the notes in the UK to make the change into a round number, it was 20+ years ago. Some people struggled with it even back then.
Don't worry. With the growing postgraduate degree inflation and AI driven automation, in a few years the guy taking you pizza order will have a PhD in quantum mechanics and will be asking for the expiration date in scientific notation.
In the deepest darkest times of the financial crisis in Greece people were half joking that their pizza delivery driver was an astrophysics PhD, surgeon, engineer, or lawyer.

In the UK, 25 years ago now I gave my (Greek) PASSPORT as a means of ID in a phone shop and the 18-20 year old kid who was supposed to take my details took a quick look at the front (admittedly written in Greek) and said "Can't read this, mate", I had to tell him that passports are by default bilingual.

Finally, @sablebrush52 couldn't/wouldn't you do all that online anyway? I don't think I've spoken to a person when ordering food for at least 5 years.

Edit: @sablebrush52 I have to shamefully admit the US way of writing dates of MM/DD/YYYY gives me trouble at times, I have to keep reminding myself it's US way of writing (why do you do it like that, by the way, given days change much faster than months?!). Also finding the European way of writing the time (24h) much easier, dirty European.
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Why not just read the numbers off the card as written? Sure, if you stop to think for a second, you can decode the word for the month into a number, but when you're basically just a cog in a machine doing the same thing over and over, you just want fluidity of thought. I would have just said, "give the four numbers, please."

When I have to work the check out at our art shows, I am taking credit card info from one person after another, and having to stop and think just throws the whole process off.

But sure, if you want to blame kids. It's the end of the world! The end is near. Everyone is stupid! Whatever.
If we all were forced to do what the other person on the other end of our experience is doing every time we think we know more... ummmm... on second thought, it is fun as hell to complain, ha ha. Lets blame new math, and safe spaces for this.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Across the road from the largest cannabis grow factory in Missouri, if not the entire planet, north of Humansville is the Cattleman Auction Company, which fifty years ago was the largest auction barn in the Quad County area, and as brand new then as the reefer factory is today.

The nephew of the owner developed an allergy to cow shit, which I was immune to, and I scored a job running the back pens and cleaning up Saturday after the sale.

Friday afternoons it was me and JD Bobinmeyer against fifteen hundred to two thousand or more head of cattle, and for $2.50 an hour.

The old men that lined the buyer’s observation runways above our heads bad mouthed kids like we did not exist.

We were stupid, fat, lazy, and incompetent in general and unable to count or make change.

And occasionally a bucked out rodeo bull would go through the ring, and the lady who ran the intercom would warn—

Fire in the hole, boys, fire in the hole

Buyers behind the rails

Fire in the hole

And JD would clear buyers out of the way to the Hormel Packing Company pens while I stood outside the exit door, gripping my hickory stick, and waited for the bull to come out.

Old men do not ever change.

They disparage youth as lazy, unwilling to work, and unlike how they were.

Young girls do not change either.

They are all old grandmas today, but fifty years ago the waitresses from the cafe would bring us cheeseburgers and a Pepsi with a smile right across that cow shit wearing short skirts and high heels and those old men above could only dream of them smiling at them like they smiled at us.

There’s nothing wrong with kids today.

For $25 an hour that weed factory gets the best there are.
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The other day, I had an order for $13 and some change. I gave the guy a $20, and he gave me $17 and change back. In his defence, he did look really stoned. Probably smoking some of Briar Lee's cow patty reefer. But, I really didn't feel the need to hit social media and complain. It's sort of like hitting a dumb person jackpot, haha.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 3, 2024
Chardon, Ohio. USA
Add cannabis to all this... I've observed that employees of food service places like your pizza place are usually pretty baked. Recent example was when I went to pick up a pizza, and they asked for my name. They couldn't find it. They told me they had a pizza for "Cindy" but not "Pipke." There was only one pizza waiting to be picked up, so I laughed and told them, "I'm Cindy." LOL. They were so high. The pizza was good.
Add cannabis to all this... I've observed that employees of food service places like your pizza place are usually pretty baked. Recent example was when I went to pick up a pizza, and they asked for my name. They couldn't find it. They told me they had a pizza for "Cindy" but not "Pipke." There was only one pizza waiting to be picked up, so I laughed and told them, "I'm Cindy." LOL. They were so high. The pizza was good.
A lawyer friend of mine told me that Adderall is the ruling drug of the food service industry. Most of them either burn out and end up temporarily spending some time in psyche wards or jail.
Pizza places and fast food probably still run on pot.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Missouri’s minimum wage today is $12.30 an hour.

The people who have a business plan profitable enough to pay $25 an hour can get the same pick of young employees as when minimum wage was $1.60 an hour and they paid me and JD Bobinmeyer $2.50 an hour, plus cheeseburgers and Pepsis served by little waitresses who made twice or more than we did, from tips from those old men with hungry eyes.

Everybody who’s bad mouthed the current generation of young people has been wrong, for over two thousand years.


Dec 5, 2016
We need more threads like this, I’m laughing that hard and Thomas stole the show with his misplaced post……..broke the somber tone brilliantly 🤣
Misplaced?! Haha, it is about all I can do… You must understand that I used to be a high school maths teacher when i worked — and the general decline in student numeracy and reading abilities was very evident to me.

I recall a moment about 10 years ago when i wrote instructions for my class on the overhead, and a student asked me to print because they were never taught to write and couldn’t read handwriting. Hence I can only shrug and laugh…

This guy Puff understands the situation and I am sort of content — albeit sort of confused at how we got here, too…



Dec 8, 2013
Maryland USA
Common sense left the building a good while ago.

The younger generation is developing a skill set that requires heavy reliance on technology. Be careful making fun of these youngsters. One of these days we might all be dependent on them to keep us alive.
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