Not to start a discussion on Red VA vs everything else but why does it seem like so many, especially small batch, blends feature red VA heavily?
I get that it usually has a great tanginess but I prefer a VaPer with a hay/bread/malt forward VA and the tang is supplied by a good plum/raisin/fig Perique. As a matter of fact, if you add a touch of oriental sourness to what I a good VaPer it can be even better.
I don't understand the current ravings about redvinegar Virginia heavy VaPer blends when the tang seems to dominate the rest of the blend.
I get that it usually has a great tanginess but I prefer a VaPer with a hay/bread/malt forward VA and the tang is supplied by a good plum/raisin/fig Perique. As a matter of fact, if you add a touch of oriental sourness to what I a good VaPer it can be even better.
I don't understand the current ravings about red