Yeah those pics are from Kevin's former cigar site. I find cuban cigar guys to be kind of knuckleheads compared to non-cuban cigar smokers. Or not knuckleheads, just kind of arrogant, snobbish, of course it's not every cuban cigar smoker, I just find when it comes to the dissection of is that a real cuban or not it gets ridiculous, as most things they rely on have been proven to be false, and it's almost like they forget that cuban cigars come from a 3rd world country. My favorite is the one where the stickers are inside the box but not affixed to it, I've always wondered if you were going to go through the trouble to counterfeit a cigar, you wouldn't take that extra step and put the stickers on the box?? In reality the demand outweighs the supply and quality control has taken a huge hit. I know people who bring back cubans that were rolled in the factory they bought them in that are declared fake by cigar snobs. Of course there's always the one super forum douche who will volunteer someone sends him that cohiba from a box for him to smoke and then make the decision if it's a real cuban or not. But this is why I like non-cuban cigar smokers, they're much more blue collar type, have a beer with kind of guys, smoke a cigar that didn't cost you 25$.