Waves to all, haven't been around since Adam was a boy because I've been giving up the Cigarillos & didn't want to read about anything nicotine related
My dear friend Philip passed me regards on to all though, I do believe.
I just wanted to say, giving up cigarettes or cigarillos with Chantix as it's called in USA (Champix in AU & UK I believe) is the easiest thing in the world.
I was a dedicated, die hard nicotine addict who smoked 3 packs of x 25 B&H or Marlboro a day and then 2-3 x tins of Cafe Cremes a day. I can't describe how addicted I was suffice to say it ruled my life - I would NOT go to the movies, catch a plane or go any place where I could not smoke, it even prevented me from working in gainful employment because of being tied to desk without being able to leave when I needed one. If I started to get low on smokes I'd call a taxi to bring me a pack or 2 which would cost $40, I didn't give a damn, just wanted that nicotine or I'd surely die.
3rd time I've used Chantix, and without putting any effort in whatsoever, giving up was the easiest thing I've ever done and this time it's forever because I morally can't allow my Ex partner to spend $200++ a week on my stupid smoking. Instead of setting a 2 week start date my Doctors tell me just to keep smoking as much as I want, let the tablets do the work, so at about week 4 - 6 I simply don't want them anymore and gradually, despite the nasty little voices in the head screaming I must keep smoking, I find myself needing them less and less until it becomes a pita to light up.
Give them a go, I have no met a single person who's not been able to quit using them - they work even if you DO NOT want to give up - I sure as hell didn't WANT to give up, I HAD to give up just to do the right thing by someone else and that's not much of a motivation when you're as selfish as I am when it comes to nicotine
Pipes - I hope to one day be able to come back to my 100+ strong collection and smoke for the sheer enjoyment as opposed to nasty addiction but time will tell, right now I'm staying away from everything smoke related.