Wgn you are right in your view that the older Gen has screwed up the Country, Some of us get along to go along, look what that has brought us. I am not in that catergory, I always stood up for my rights, Example, after comeing home from a tour in Asia, the Prelude to Vietnam, I went to register to vote , the Register was a Korean War Vet, he lost his leg there, also his character, he asked how do you want to register? SW La is very heavily Democratic, he had been browbeating the poor Cajuns into reg Demo to heavily vote in a local primary. I told him I want to reg Indepentant, He said you can"t, all you can do is reg Demo. I told him I just took a bullet for you, I am just out of the Hospital, and if you don" t reg me a independent I will jump over this counter and beat you to death with your peg leg, he turned white, said wait I"ll get the Independant book. We don"t have any more people who stand up for their rights. God Bless America!