I have yet to meet an all day aromatic smoker. Usually, what I have seen from hanging out at the Briary (which is only a small sample of the population) is that aromatic smokers tend to mostly be new smokers or smokers that only smoke occasionally. Of course, if we include codger blends in as aromatics, there are probably more of these that smoke their codger aros all day long.
That said, as far as forum participation, very few die hard all aromatic smokers (unless we include codger blend smokers) actually participate for long or very much. Besides the handful of aromatics they smoke, they don't tend to participate in tobacco threads. Maybe the occasional, "what can I replace Apricot Delight with?" or "what is the best vanilla?"
This doesn't mean that they don't participate at all, but just that very few stick around, unless they also collect pipes, or have an interest in pipes. Not so much the tobacco end.
But, really it is mostly the tobacco purists who overwhelmingly are attracted to here. And, we are still a very low percentage of pipe smokers. I realize this. However, the majority of pipe smokers in the US are guys who buy their one aromatic blend, and maybe smoke a bowl a week or so while watching TV or reading.
This doesn't mean that they aren't welcome here, and of course we value their participation (well, I can only speak for myself on this). Codger aromatic smokers are a little different. We value them for their rough edges, orneriness, and quick cutting put downs.