Just thought this might be a interesting topic to talk about. 2 years ago I started pipe smoking again after stopping several years ago. The reason I stopped years ago is because I didn't know how to smoke a pipe properly and just never had a pleasant experience with it. So when I started back this last time a had a new tool to use (a computer) and started to research and learn about pipes, tobacco and the like. I visited several pipe forums to learn about different blends of tobacco and the art of smoking a pipe properly and how to repair and refurbish a pipe. Every time I would do a search, pipesmagazine would be in the results somewhere. I really like the format of this site and how it is set up, But most of all I like the people who participate, everyone seems to be friendly and if you ask a question they will most certainly answer it without being snide or snobbish about it. This makes for a pleasant experience that makes you want to be a part of the forum. Thats why I joined pipemagazine.com. :
Edit: Moved to Pipesmagzine.com. L

Edit: Moved to Pipesmagzine.com. L