On my 36th birthday in 1994 I went to a music shop and almost bought a $300 Washburn guitar, until the owner probably saw a man in a thousand dollar suit buying a cheap guitar, and upgraded me to a Fender Jumbo SX1500, the most expensive guitar in that place.
Being of Scotch heritage, I bought the Fender, but at exact wholesale, which was $700.
I knew maybe a thousand old songs, but couldn’t play a one.
I was determined to teach myself guitar, and after about a month, I called my mother, put her on speakerphone, and played and sang Fraulien in G.
She listened, and said that G was the top of my range and I needed to work on my time, so that everyone that listened would start tapping their feet. But, overall, she said it was a good effort.
I said Mama, why didn’t you teach me how to play guitar, about thirty years ago?
She took offense, at that.
She replied in the first place, you never asked. If you had, your father and I would have seen to it you had a good guitar and lessons.
But more importantly, you’ve been the best lead singer I’ve ever heard since you were just a child, and if you’d learned to chord a guitar you’d most likely be in a honky tonk today scratching out a living like Bill Hudgens and the County Liners, and not a lawyer in a new house playing a fifteen hundred dollar guitar.
I think about that, every time I sing Fraulien.