When I went to LaPoche to hear Mark Ryan talk about perique, he discussed how the nicotine in the burley used to make perique was actually transformed into a different molecule altogether in the perique process. So, perique doesn't actually have a lot of nicotine in it, but it does have different chemicals in it that make the absorption of existing nicotine in the leaf it is blended with more prevalent. So, smoking straight perique isn't a nic bomb at all. I've smoked it occasionally by itself, and didn't really notice much nicotine in it at all, but it is a boring smoke by itself.
But, when blended with a Virginia, it enhances the absorption of the nicotine from the Virginia. And, when burley is added to the VaPer it becomes really strong. Picayune, as Warren mentions is rather strong... maybe still not as strong as Cotton Boll, but it's definitely not for the novice. I have set back many pounds of Picayune. It is definitely a VaPer on steroids. And, it is also a blend made by Mark Ryan, owner of LaPoche, the original perique factory in St James Parrish, LA.