Which Is the Strongest Type of Tobacco Nicotine-Wise?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 30, 2018
Milton, FL
but I damn well wanted that first smoke of the day.
I never was a morning smoker when I first started pipes but I sure am now. When I'm not working, the first thought on my mind after staggering out of bed is a cup of coffee and a pipe. Great way to start the day for sure.



Oct 31, 2014
Evergreen, Colorado

Yes, go for those Brazilian ropes - several are stronger than any tobacco already mentioned, except possibly Tambolaka or Cotton Boll, or not yet mentioned Mapacho (Peruvian Nicotiana rustica).

I bought 4 varieties a few years ago in Belo Horizonte at the Mercado Central:


My favorites with the highest nicotine are Arapiraca Castanho Super Forte & Arapiraca Preto Super Forte; the Castanho is stronger than the Preto. The Poco Fundo Forte & Sete Cordis Forte are very good, though not as strong.

Some guy posted pictures of tobacco ropes in a tobacco shop in Brazil. Of course I don't remember who it was.



Can't Leave
Oct 17, 2018
My favorites with the highest nicotine are Arapiraca Castanho Super Forte & Arapiraca Preto Super Forte; the Castanho is stronger than the Preto. The Poco Fundo Forte & Sete Cordis Forte are very good, though not as strong
I'll look for those, thanks! They look delicious!
They sell these rope tobaccos in a marketplace in my city which is not exactly near where I live, so I never go there, but I'm definitely going as soon as possible. These images got me restless!



Can't Leave
May 16, 2017
Haven't had an opportunity to get the famous ropes but speaking of tobacco in general perique is known as the strongest. Yes, there is pure latakia on the market (not really strong in nicotine) as is pure (blending) perique. If Irish Flake had knocked you down I really wouldn't recommend playing with straight perique but at some point many pipe smokers want to try it.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
There is a Picayune blend available somewhere, I've not tried it. I used to smoke Picayune cigarettes ( I think they went away in the early 70's.). Now, those were damned good! If the blend is similar in makeup it otta be great blend. The cigarettes had a decent amount of perique.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
When I went to LaPoche to hear Mark Ryan talk about perique, he discussed how the nicotine in the burley used to make perique was actually transformed into a different molecule altogether in the perique process. So, perique doesn't actually have a lot of nicotine in it, but it does have different chemicals in it that make the absorption of existing nicotine in the leaf it is blended with more prevalent. So, smoking straight perique isn't a nic bomb at all. I've smoked it occasionally by itself, and didn't really notice much nicotine in it at all, but it is a boring smoke by itself.
But, when blended with a Virginia, it enhances the absorption of the nicotine from the Virginia. And, when burley is added to the VaPer it becomes really strong. Picayune, as Warren mentions is rather strong... maybe still not as strong as Cotton Boll, but it's definitely not for the novice. I have set back many pounds of Picayune. It is definitely a VaPer on steroids. And, it is also a blend made by Mark Ryan, owner of LaPoche, the original perique factory in St James Parrish, LA.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 30, 2018
Milton, FL
I would love to try a rope tobacco but can’t find anything in stock. Those ropes in the pics above look amazing!



Jul 2, 2010
You guys are brave. I mean Samuel Gawith's 1792 Flake gave me an outer body experience. That, for me, was not only a nic hit, but a smack down. I was out for the count.

And I've never returned for re-match.

But, was it tasty? Yeah. But, uh, I don't recall much more than that. When Jiminks says a tobacco is "strong", take his word for it. It is strong!

I shudder at some of those bad looking ropes. All you rope lovers, have at it. I'll just poke along in the slow lane.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 20, 2014
Alkalinity in tobacco will enhance absorption. Burley is alkaline, and so is Perique. Mix some Perique with some Burley if you want a blend which will give you alkaline tongue bite in a heartbeat. If you add honey to Burley, it can change it dramatically in the nic bomb department, making it quite mellow. Burning sugars will increase the acidity of the smoke.



Can't Leave
Oct 17, 2018
If you add honey to Burley, it can change it dramatically in the nic bomb department, making it quite mellow. Burning sugars will increase the acidity of the smoke.
Interesting! I guess it would explain why so many aromatics containing a lot of burley are so mellow?



Can't Leave
May 16, 2017
Thanks Cosmic and davek for clearing that out.

I've been taught that perique is made from burley, just like latakia is actually oriental tobacco. I was wondering why on earth a home blended mix of virginia (medium strength) and about 25% of perique was giving me such a strong punch in the face since I have relatively high nicotine tollerance. Now it makes sense.

So Machado has heard it right, burley is the strongest.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
So Machado has heard it right, burley is the strongest.

That really depends on whose categorization you follow. Nicotina Rustica is the ancient tobacco that all varieties of tobacco have derived from. It has been reported to be 9x's as strong as the strongest domestic burley or cigar leaf. I think of it as a burley, but it grows in a weird short, squatty leaf pattern, unlike any other tobacco that I've seen. It is the leaf that Cotton Boll Twist is made from, and is quite delicious, but it is something you have to become accustomed to. It has varieties within the Rustica family as well; Mohawk, Santa Domingo, Rustica, etc...
While I think of it as a burley, some say it is it's own category. But, there it can also be fermented like cigar leaf varieties, and there are a few cigars that use it as it's base leaf. I picked up a Cigar Rustica a few weeks ago. They got it in, because they knew that I would be wanting to try it, as I constantly complain about all of the sissy cigars they carry. Haha.
But, as far as nightshade varieties go, Rustica is the strongest known.



Can't Leave
Oct 17, 2018
Well, I bought 2 rope tobaccos this morning. One stronger, another not as strong. $2 each portion of 100g (3.5 oz), 7 oz total.
I've just tasted the black one, which I think is the stronger one. Hard to keep lit, I think I'm going to dry it a little.
Definitely a nicotine BOMB.
Here are the pics (I've shredded a little of each with a kitchen knife):





Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Machado, listen carefully... we need you to do something for us, for the sake of the forum. You'd do anything for us, right? Anything? Ok, ok, now just pay attention... we need you to do something... ever heard of a "mule?" All we need you to is buy a plain black carry on piece of luggage... I will send you a sticker that says "Machado's Organic Teas." When you get to customs, just tell them that you sell a special Amazonian herbal tea that is wrapped and aged in rope form. "Sure sure, let the dogs sniff it..." You'll be perfectly ok. We've got your back on this.

Right guys? :puffy:



Can't Leave
Oct 17, 2018
As soon as Brazil legalizes tobacco importation and exportation, which may happen this year or so with the new government's relationship with USA, I will be happy to provide you all with great rope tobacco nic-bombs! :D



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 20, 2013
All we need you to is buy a plain black carry on piece of luggage... I will send you a sticker that says "Machado's Organic Teas." When you get to customs, just tell them that you sell a special Amazonian herbal tea that is wrapped and aged in rope form. "Sure sure, let the dogs sniff it..." You'll be perfectly ok. We've got your back on this.
I'm in....



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 20, 2013
The strongest rope, (that I have been able to get), has been Happy Brown Bogie. Great stuff as long as you smoke it slow.



Oct 31, 2014
Evergreen, Colorado

They look great. Very similar appearance to the Arapiraca Castanho & Preto Super Forte ropes. Do your ropes have a name or brand?

That's about what I paid 4 years ago in Belo Horizonte.

I slice coins from the ropes with a guillotine cigar cutter, then cube-cut & allow to dry for a few hours. Sometimes I'll dry the coins until just pliable, then fold & stuff.

A small bowl smoked slowly is advised. My first bowl of the Castanho put me to sleep in the middle of the day, but no dizziness, hiccups, or nausea. (Nicotine can produce bimodal stimulation-sedation effects at lower & higher doses respectively).

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