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Oct 1, 2011
Old Belt/U.S.A.
I was working isolating some primary cables that feed transformers that serve a city park, so that the crew that works for the city could dig a trench and make repairs to their equipment. The backhoe operator had a radio on the tractor, and he told me what had happened.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I was sitting at my computer in my great room in Rhode Island doing some day trading and had CNBC on the TV as it happened. I watched in horror and really could not understand what I was viewing. It was totally surreal when the second jet hit because then people understood it was an attack. I tried getting through to friends of mine in the city but all the lines were busy. I will never forget the anger I felt and to this day, I hope no one forgets that we are at war with an enemy who will stop at nothing to inflict damage on our way of life. These people have no regard for human life and the fanatics who are still out there will never quit.



Jan 25, 2012
I was at work but just happened to be enjoying a peaceful morning outside as I painted a couple shed doors at my printing business. I still can remember how crystal clear and blue the sky was that day here in Ohio. The press operators listened to the Howard Stern Show on the radio everyday so they were the first to learn of the events unfolding in NYC and elsewhere. One of them came out and told me what was happening. We all finished our days work but as soon as got home I sat stunned watching the footage over and over on the TV. I remember thinking Wow! not a single aircraft in U.S. airspace except for the military. Has that ever happened before?
Time sure flies but the memories of that day have not faded the slightest bit.



Nov 21, 2011
I was an IT consultant working at my client's headquarters, Frito Lay in Dallas. I called my boss to tell her I was going to be late and she was actually at the D/FW airport trying to fly out and stranded, and thought I called about the news.
The eeriest thing was driving home down I-75 and seeing not a thing in the sky, except a lone F-16 not on a regular flight path humping low towards the airport.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
I was haveing a boat lift installed at my Condo, wife came out, said you want to see this, all day the boat lift crew and I watched TV. That day after my son in law got the orders to guard Texas in his F-15, he was based at Belle Chase air field, they would do the fly around and get relieved, comeing back to Belle Chase he flew over my coastal Condo, turning off his transponder and letting his wing man keep his on he buzzed me, I was on the pier and heard a horrific noise and a V spray of water 50ft high about 1/2 mile over the open water, it kept getting closer and closer, the biggest damn plane looked like it was gonna knock me down, pulled straight up about 300 ft from me, my heart almost came out of my chest when he hit the afterburners, rattling and almost breaking all the windows. The heat on my face was awesome Man oh Man what a weapon.

Jan 8, 2013
I remember quite clearly where I was. I was at home, way down south in Texas, getting ready for work, watching it unfold on the news. I remember how angry I was, how sad I felt for all the lives lost. I cried that morning. Tears of pain, anger, loss, and grief for a country I knew right then would be forever changed. It's strange, because all these years later when watching footage, all those feelings come right back. I don't believe I'll ever see that footage and not tear up, or get angry. It was truly a sad day. I doubt I'll ever forget it. I'm sure those feelings are multiplied ten fold by those who live and work there.



Mar 22, 2012
New York
I work for UPS out of the spring street building. After the morning PCM one of the drivers came in and related that someone crashed a plane into the World Trade Center. Looking down town from the bay doors on Greenwich street off of Hudson street we could see the smoldering hole in the side of the building from the plane. Tried to get downtown but got turned back by the police. On the way back to the building, while waiting at a red light we saw the first building go down.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 7, 2013
Math class, not really knowing what was going on until about a couple of hours after it happened.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
That morning my family was getting ready to go on a vacation. Since I was sixteen at the time I was going to crashing over a friends house for the week, so I was just lounging around watching the news. Saw them break in that the first tower had been hit and then watched the second one get hit. Scared the hell out of me. Truly a sad day.



Jul 29, 2013
I was a sophomore and heard about it on my bike ride to school, figured it was some Cessna or another single-seater that got turned around ass backwards and smacked into the WTC. Got to school and watched the second plane crash into the tower ... not an accident. We didn't get anything else done the rest of the day. Two years later I enlisted.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 21, 2013
I was sitting at work, about 20 miles from ground zero. I spent the rest of that day and most of the night trying to find my wife. She was 4 months pregnant and working in the Empire State Building. After hours and hours of no contact she finally got a message to me via a friend who was able to get out of the city that she was alive and staying with a friend. I picked her up the next afternoon from the ferry in Jersey City. I spent the next 2 weeks at funerals for friends lost. I think about that day almost every day.



Jun 16, 2012
I was in 8th grade Spanish class in upstate NY when we heard the first plane had hit. I never thought it was an accident and then the second plane hit confirming that. They didn't let us watch anything at school. I went to my friends house after school and we watched everything that had happened. It was so surreal and shocking. A girl from my school lost her father that day who was also my hockey coach at a young age. My father was supposed to be in the city that week working on the 81st floor of tower 1, but he decided not to take the job. I'm thankful I got another 10 years with him. It was such a sad and tragic day. I remember how eerie it was not seeing a single plane in the sky and for months after every time I did see a plane it worried me. I certainly will never forget that day or the lives lost.



Jan 25, 2010
I was at work in Lower Manhattan about 7 blocks from the WTC. I was listening to Howard Stern and he was talking about what had just happened and than the phones starting ringing with people calling families. We could see Tower 1 from our floor. Like many others, we thought it was a small plane or something. Then, we heard about a second plane and than all hell broke loose. I remember our Manager walking around telling everyone to remain calm and 5 minutes later the first Tower fell and they told to get out because our building was moving. I went to the lower level to wait for the smoke and debris to subside before I went to get my wife in Midtown. I had my walkman radio with me and I was listening to what was happening and than when it got pretty clear I was getting ready to leave when the lady on the radio started yelling that the second was coming down. I turned around and went back inside and than saw this big cloud of smoke and debris coming straight at me. Thankfully, I had my radio with me that day. The walk to my wife's job was so quiet with dust covered people walking uptown.
I lost a couple of former co-workers who were working in the towers that day.
Sorry for the long post (it could've been longer), but there was so much that happened that day and I remember the details it like it was yesterday.



Oct 26, 2012
Late Monday afternoon I headed into the mountains to help my friend haul out a moose he had just shot. We finally flopped into our camper beds about 2 A.M. We were up early and my friend had his truck radio on while making coffee and casually mentioned that a plane had hit the WTC. My first thought was a Cessna lost in the fog. The whole thing unfolded on the 2 hour drive back to Denver. When I got to town the fighter jets were streaking everywhere. I finally understood what people were describing when Kennedy was shot.



Feb 20, 2013
I was in the shower getting ready for work...I heard my wife mention something about an accident as I came out...when I saw the footage I told her I don't think it was an accident. As everyone else who watched in disbelief, we saw the second jet hit the second tower and knew right then it was not an accident. I knew right then, it was a matter of time before the towers fell. I went to work, but we did nothing but helplessly listen to the radio waiting for the inevitable to happen.

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