Where Is Our Ettrick puffer?

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Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
Yes. There are people like him who when they disappear one wished they had a way to get into contact with in order to know if they are okay
Normally I wouldn't be so bold as to ask this publicly, but I hope all is well with our Sawney. Anyone know?
Nothing in the news about a gamekeeper from Ettrick in the Scottish boarder lands. I guess that is a bit of good news.
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Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Generally no, if anyone @admin would have more access. But I would imagine the trail of breadcrumbs stops short after email addresses.
Jul 26, 2021
I use the search function frequently to look up topics and tobacco brands/blends. In doing so, I often stumble upon interesting threads and comments. Some members that are no longer active had some great posts and comments, which is why I was happy when @Richmond B. Funkenhouser reappeared or when @peckinpahhombre stops in for a cup of coffee.

An interesting "like" about the forum is how members usually care for one another even if they disagree on a point (or everything for that matter).

I think it is great members check on others or post about their day (like in the WAYS threads, which I've come to like after initially passing over them). Keep it up gentlemen and ladies.
Jan 27, 2020
I know it's hard to believe but even most pipe smokers would find this place a bit boring and weird after a while. I mean how many times can you read about this blend and that blend and if Dunhills are hype, Godly, or hyped up Godliness? And people kind of slip away from places like this.

Also, sometimes we just want the socialization that a forum brings, get burnt out by it, then return in a few months refreshed and ready to make some inane threads. At least that's how it works for me. I use to crave to be accepted as a regular at a bar then once I became one I hated that everyone there seemed to "know" me so I would disappear, become less familiar and maybe a tad more interesting when I showed up again with my tales of being in a Turkish prison for the last 6 months or busy inventing transparent metal for NASA.