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Nov 18, 2022
Never in the house. Ever. I don't want it smelling like smoke.
So, it's outside, unless it's freakin' cold. In the garage when it's cold, and at the Cigar Box when it's cold.


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 11, 2019
Wausau, Wis
Outside exclusively. Right now that means in the garage (sadly, deattached and not insulated, so quite cold in the winter), or on a walk, which can be pleasant if the wind isn’t blowing … until the temps are consistently below 10 degrees fahrenheit.


Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
80% in my smoking room. The rest in the Golf Club, which is in the coastal area of my town. It is the only quiet place where smokers from different countries feel united and happy. When I go to my sister-in-law's house, she lets me smoke in a shed, where there is a washing machine, a dryer and a big fridge, full of cold beers. IMG_1237[792].jpg


Mar 8, 2021
The Netherlands (Europe)
Wherever I'm outside. I don't mind, I have a indoor job (where I can't smoke in the office) and enjoy being outdoor when I can. If it is to windy or rains I go to my bikeshed. In 2023 I'm going to update the shack with more shelves, put some heating in it and a patio attached to it so I have a inside and a shade smoke/workspace.

If I wanted a indoor space, my preferred smoking room would be what is now my eldest son his bedroom, put a nice TV set up there with a Eames chair, a pipe cabinet, a cigar humidor and a ozone aircleaner. When he gets home from school I'm going to tell him we exchange rooms, he will get the bikeshed.


Apr 29, 2022
Does your smoking life have to take place in one or two spots? Or do you have full reign and smoke any old place you feel like it?
For me, I am exiled to my office in the basement, and sometimes even that is iffy. It gets kinda lonely down here smoking by myself. My computer is here, so at least I have access to this forum and piping videos on You Tube. I live in Canada and for many months, outdoors is just too cold.
When the weather is nice, most of the times I'll be smoking on my porch. Recently I moved to apartment, so the porch got replaced by the terrace. During the winter, since my spouse doesn't like smoking indoors I tend to go to the nearby woods with the dog and there I have a perfect spot.

TN Jed

Feb 3, 2022
Franklin, TN
Pipes leave every bit as much reek in the paint, carpet, clothes and hair as any other smoking product. The smoke particles adhere to any surface. You simply don't notice it because it creeps in slowly and you adjust to it. Ask a nonsmoker to stop in and see if they notice the reek. If they don't ... their sniffer is broke.
Smoke is smoke and particles will stick but I think it's more of a volume/density thing with pipe smoking vs other forms of inhaling smoke. I'm 2 years into my smoking a pipe indoors experiment and no complaints..even from the anti-smoking crowd (mother-in-law).