In your mom’s bed.

In your mom’s bed.
I’m in the same situation. But it’s luxury to me. I gave up pipe smoking for a while and I feel so happy to come back to it. At first I was also sad I sold all my expensive artisan pipes years ago but now I feel happy to have become interested in collecting historical pipes. Before I was a bachelor and now I’m a dad.Does your smoking life have to take place in one or two spots? Or do you have full reign and smoke any old place you feel like it?
For me, I am exiled to my office in the basement, and sometimes even that is iffy. It gets kinda lonely down here smoking by myself. My computer is here, so at least I have access to this forum and piping videos on You Tube. I live in Canada and for many months, outdoors is just too cold.
Trebek! I was with your mother, last night.In your mom’s bed.
Outside screened in back porch in Florida watching the various critters i feed. i’m not fancy enough to call it a lanai.
Right by cocoa beach Florida, home of Tony Nelson and Jennie as well as Kelly Slater the greatest surfer in history.I've got well over a foot of snow in my driveway! Why do I live here??
I only smoke cigars a few times a year. But, when I do, it's always outside due to the pungency of cigar smoke.In Pennsylvania, in the warmer weather, I'll smoke cigars on the side and front porch; on walks around the neighbourhood; occasionally in what will be my office upstairs with the window open. Pipes in various rooms year round.
In New York, I don't do too much smoking because all of my humidors and pipes are in Pennsylvania these days. I have some travel humidors and sometimes bring sticks to smoke outside. I'm considering curating a set of pipes to use in Brooklyn.
At night with single digit humidity it's not bad. In the middle of the day I take my Jeep up into the mountains and find a nice cool shady spot or I simply grab a cob or my trusty pool meer and enjoy a smoke in the pool.That must be hell in summer where you live. It would even be a bit hellish where I live. The only time I smoke outside is on the rare occasions when our son, his wife and kids visit from out of state in deference to them. Then I smoke in my car in the drive way with windows down or cracked. Of course, heat or cold would then necessitate running the car in order to have heat or AC.