I don't know that I would want to cover 4 different genres, but IF I did:
VA: HH Pure or Astley's 44
VaPer: maybe J.M.'s Private Stock or aged LBF
English: FMOTT if I had it, otherwise maybe Countryside or Shepherd's Pie
Aromatic: No Bite DeLite or Vanilla Rollcake
Looking over my previous answer (now that this thread is resurrected) I see that I'd change it somewhat (having revisted some blends since writing this):
VA: 40th Anni if I had it.
Otherwise HH Pure or Astley's 44
VaPer: Salty Dogs if I had it.
Otherwise J.M.'s Private Stock
English: Magnum Opus
Aromatic: No Bite DeLite or Vanilla Rollcake