What's your favorite beer?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 29, 2012
Wilmington, De / Ithaca, NY
had to quit the stuff in 1996... but... I used to like the one in my hand the best.
if it was a Ballantine or Michelob, I was happiest.
I liked Makeson the best if I wanted a dark, chewy beer



May 11, 2012
changes with the seasons but currently Blue Moon, Winter Abbey Ale

Edit: Can't fix the pic, L.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 24, 2010
Hey Belgian Mick,

Have you tried anything from the Kasteel Brewery?
My favorite beer of all time is from them, and it's called "The Donker". It's a Triple (though the restaurant where I first had it on tap advertised it as a Quadruple) and it is absolutely awesome. 11% ABV . Worth every penny.



Dec 5, 2011
I am assuming you're talking about "Kasteelbier" dark. It is indeed a wonderful beer. When we go back and visit my mom, it's always on my shortlist of beers I have to have. I haven't seen it too often on this side of the pond, so if you've found some, you're one lucky man ! It's great stuff. It's actually made by a brewery called "Van Honsebrouck" and they have some others as well. Their Brigand is a favorite of some friends of mine and their Belgian sour brown ale is pretty darn good too !
Now, there is also a brewery called the "Castle Brewery" (Kasteel is the Flemish word for castle) at Ter Dolen. And they have some decent beers but none that I can think of would hit the 11% ABV. So that's why I'm assuming you're talking the Kasteel beer line. Good stuff !
Anyways, here's a quick pic of two of two favorite ones from last summer: Orval and Gouden Carolus respectively



Oh and PS... And I don't want to come over as a beer snob at all...
If it was a "triple" that you drank, it would have been more on the Blond or Amber side of the color spectrum. The darker varieties are usually Doubles (in the 6 - 9 % ABV) or Quadruples (usually 10 - 13 % ABV). So technically they are correct in advertising the Kasteel Dark as a quadrupel. The double, triple, quad used to refer to the number of fermentation cycles and alcohol level, but nowadays you can make a good quad in two fermentation cycles. Usually with a third on bottle. But hey.... what's in a name right ? ;-)



Might Stick Around
Dec 25, 2012
I am with a lot of you, I can't pick one favorite. The beer I currently have in my kegerator is Black Butte Porter and I believe is a one of the best porters out there. When I want to sit back and enjoy a beer over a period of time one of my favorites is Unibroue Trois Pistols. This beer gets better as it breathes and comes to room temperature. I find that I like a wide range of beers and like trying new ones. I am now starting that same quest with pipes and tobacco. Cheers



Dec 11, 2012
Tough question. If I'm out at a restaurant, I usually choose the darkest thing they have on tap, as I'm fondest of stouts and porters. If I need to pick up a quick 6-pack on my way somewhere, I'll usually go for New Belgium's 1554. If 1554 isn't in stock, I'll usually pick something else by New Belgium, then start working my way through other favorite breweries (Ska, Red Hook, Left Hand, Odell's, Dogfish Head).
If I'm at home, I'll usually go with a homebrew. Which reminds me, it's time to brew another batch of mead... :D



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 1, 2012
I think my favorite brewery right now would be the folks at Blue Moon. That said, I am a sucker for the beers of days gone buy: Miller High Life, PBR, Schlitz, Schaefer etc... Stumbled upon some Utica Club a few weeks ago... takes me back :)



Jul 30, 2012
Flyguy, always loved the name when I go there, moose drool.

Mine are German & Mexican. Had a good one in Nassau this week, Sands.



Jun 16, 2012
It changes depending on the season but all around favorite is Alaskan Amber Ale and my favorite summer brew is Linenkugel. I also quite enjoy Pyramid Apricot.



Nov 21, 2011
@Mick: What would you recommend for a good, chewy beer you can find over here? You know I like Belgian beers, with McChouffe being my favorite so far. It's 'brewed in the Scottish style'. What does that mean?
@tj: My second favorite beer was Leinenkugel's Winter Lager, but it was seasonal and they only brewed it for three seasons :(



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 4, 2012

Right now I'm into anything from the Tree Brewing company - Thirsty Beaver is right up there with Moose Drool ha ha

Generally I like anything NOT from the large producers. I.e. coors lite, it's carbonated water with a little yellow food coloring!



Dec 5, 2011
Simnett: When people mention "Chewy" beer, they tend to mean thick mouthfeel, like a Guinness. Usually they think of heavy, thick Stout beers. And Belgium is not necessarily known for those.
That being said, there are definitely some Belgian beers that have a heavier mouthfeel and taste to it. I would look for dark brown Belgian ales. Corsendonck dark is one that comes to mind. Another one is Pauwel brewery's Kwak. The aforementioned Kasteel dark could be considered "chewy" as well. But none are like Guinness. You can also try Westmalle dubbel. I have some in my fridge, so I know it's available around here. Total Wine in Dallas carries it. And some Central Markets.
With regards to Scottish ales, they are defined usually by more caramelized malts, less hops and a sweeter taste. I know of one true Scotch Ale from Belgium, from the John Martin's brewery, called Gordon's Scotch Ale. Haven't really looked for it to be honest, but the two aforementioned places are good starts. Also Spec's on 75, "Kegs and Barrels" on 15th in Plano, Angels on Jupiter and Plano Parkway or S&K on 75 and Spring Creek are good beer stores with a wide selection.
Lately, with the boom in local Texas breweries, I am stocking my fridge with the local stuff. And some of them are really, really good. And that's coming from a Belgian guy :crazy:



Jun 2, 2011
I think my favorite brewery right now would be the folks at Blue Moon.
You mean MillerCoors? :P
Someone mentioned not liking IPAs with a pipe. I would go back to page one to verify who, but I am incredibly lazy. Anyway, I brought this question up to Russ during his pairing presentation at the West Coast Pipe show and he speculated that something like a Stonehaven might pair well with the bitter backbone of American IPAs. I must say, I tried it and it worked. That man knows what he's talking about.



Dec 5, 2011
You mean MillerCoors?

I was staying away from that one since I've had enough arguments about that whole thing before. But since you started :nana: When I hear people mention they love the small breweries like "Blue Moon", "Leinenkugel" or "Shocktop" I can't help but cringe. Not saying they don't make good beers, although none in my regular consumption, but let's not call them "small" since they're owned by either MillerCoors or A-B. For those interested, there's a doc out there published in November by the American brewers Association that got a lot of flack and has been replaced on their website since then. But thanks to the wonders of the interweb, there's an archived copy at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-tyHL_ursCSLU5Tbk5iTUhyN1k/edit?pli=1 . It's quite enlightening for those interested.
It's comparing a small craft tobacco blender (Think Russ or GL Pease) with a blender who is "artisanal" in name only but owned by Reynolds or BAT and sourced with tobaccos from their supply chain. They can make good stuff, but I think we all can understand there's a pretty big difference in approach.
Thanks Mick!

You're welcome :mrgreen:



Jun 2, 2011
Yeah, my biggest issue with Blue Moon, Shock Top, etc. is more that the parent companies are obscuring the origin to cash in on the craft beer phenomenon. Hey, smart thinking on their part though. I don't mind Blue Moon, not a big Shock Top fan, and, while none of the mass market brands would be my first choice, I have and will probably drink them again at some point.

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