Thank you, that's really interesting to hear people views and appreciate you sharing them. I am with you guys in that I find dryer and loser better, I guess am always on the quest to know more and try and improve things so curious whether there is a better way that exists. Perhaps I'll try the 'Frank' method to explore this for a while as seems that air pocket is important. I guess that however the pipe is smoked it must have adequate free draw to match the density of the pack as otherwise it is going to overheat to keep it going, or go out and not smoke. Perhaps the Frank method could be used for the 3g contests to fill with more tobacco into the pipe? I may have to experiment to see whether the Frank method uses more tobacco than the normal 3 step method or whether it is just a different approach to filling it.My experience is that tighter doesn't equal more flavor, nor a better burn. I've found that moisture content is the main factor for flavor intensity, with packing following closely behind. Since I mostly smoke Virginias, Va/Pers, and Va/Bur/Per blends the moisture level is a little bit shy of bone dry. I'll pack "medium to loose" depending on the cut. I want the draw to be open and effortless. Once i get the tobacco lit I just let it simmer as I take slow sips. I also snork to pick up the flavor nuances since there are more flavor receptors in your schnoz than in your mouth.
Thanks again for sharing thoughts, ideas and experience guys