I had to chime in on this and offer a comment.
For our tenth anniversary my dear wife bought me a watch that cost in excess of $12,000. At first I was bothered by this, but then I started wearing the watch and grew to love the thing, not just because it is a beautiful watch, but because every time I look at it I think of the wonderful woman who gave it to me. And as I reflected on it, that feeling was much more valuable to me than having an extra $12k in the bank. Knock on wood, I will cherish that watch -- and the memories that it evokes -- until the end of my days.
And yes, I have spent more than $4k on a pipe, but only once, and I cherish that pipe, Would I do it every week? Absolutely not, but giving in to extravegant purchases, provided they do not come at the expense of the basic necessities of life, is part of what it means to be alive.
So I am with fish on this one: you can't take it with you.
My two cents.