As much as I abhor that word, you succinctly summed up what I was trying to express in typing my postI stopped collecting and hunting and now focus on lunting!

As much as I abhor that word, you succinctly summed up what I was trying to express in typing my postI stopped collecting and hunting and now focus on lunting!
I think it's just like what you described. If it's a great smoker the capture. If it's an o.k. smoker the hunt. But I do seem to have a knack for sensing which pipes are going to agree the most with me. As in the few pipes I've had that don't smoke great I somehow knew they'd not perform as well.Over the years, I've collected some very rare pipes. Sometimes the capture was the best part as that pipe became a much used favorite. Sometimes the hunt was the best part and while happy to add the pipe to my pile, I was looking for the next great thing.
What's more enjoyable for you?
Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.From my own collecting experience, whether it be pipes, rare books, LPs & CDs, movie posters, or what have you, the hunt and capture/acquisition have tiered levels of satisfaction, and I enjoy both to varying degrees. The hunt itself can be a lot of fun—sometimes the search is loosely formed and you’re kind of just looking for something without a clear idea of what you want, but will probably know it when you see it; other times, you’re looking for something incredibly specific and it can take years to track it down—the hunt can be very frustrating when that thing doesn’t turn up. The hunt can be very little fun in that regard.
There’s a thrill when you first catch a glimpse of that thing you’ve been hunting. It can produce a frisson—that goosebump moment when possibilty could become a reality. But, it’s not guaranteed that you’ll get it. You may not have won the auction, or you paid for the item, but it is still in transit, could get potentially lost in the mail, and never arrive.
There’s nothing quite like the moment of actually having the object in your hand, in your physical possession. Prior to that, it’s still all theoretical. Because of this, the moment of actual capture may be the pinnacle, the height of the high.
That moment can last awhile, while your mind becomes acclimated to the fact that this thing is finally in your grubby, little mitts, that you’ve checked that empty box on your want list that has plagued or haunted you for years.
I have been amazingly lucky when it comes to collecting—one-of-a-kind things that I didn’t know were even available or extant, came across my path and were presented to me like it was destiny and I was meant to become the caretaker of this rarity because the collecting gods deemed it so. I continue to hunt for new things, but I still marvel at some of these highlights and am grateful for my good fortune.
Got a new jazz album in the mail Friday - reissue of an old Jimmy Smith/Wes Montgomery collaboration - heard one of the tracks on the XM Jazz channel, snapped a pic of the screen in the wife's car while driving, lol, ordered it - not much of a hunt but sure enjoyed the first listen. Sealed up the purchase of a Winchester Model 94 Trapper - have longed for a .30-.30 lever action since I was a kid and have a really old 9422 that's always been enough until . . . resumed the hunt and happened on one that was a great deal and in great condition and it will be here in a couple of days - so a hunt off and on (not too hard) for a long, long time but felt right and got it done. I'm guessing the "hunt" will be the best part of it - it will be quite a while before I have a chance to shoot it and honestly won't be in a hurry to do so. With pipes, I'm not really a collector as such but have enjoyed hunting for a few older types - the closest parallel for me has been in being involved with a few commissions and both the process and the enjoyment when received have been great. I'll probably be struck down by lighting for saying this, but your post made me laugh - a new Pete showed up today and I tossed the box to the side - won't wait a month, but may not unveil for another couple of days. Too much on to enjoy it at the moment.I honestly must just have no connection between buying pipes and dopamine. Hell, I still will get boxes delivered from smokingpipes and other places that I don't even remember buying, sometime not even opening the boxes for a month or two. Yeh, I mean, I do like a new pipe from time to time, but I get way more excited new vinyl albums coming in the mail.
Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.
I think I too decidedly did not embrace the word - until I did. It is so much easier to say Lunting, then to say and describe the actual act of walking around while smoking with the emphasis being on smoking the pipe while walking.As much as I abhor that word, you succinctly summed up what I was trying to express in typing my post![]()