"Broken in"? It's a pipe which delivers a great smoke, feels right, etc. All very subjective. Some demand cake, others shun it. Some use honey or other coatings. Others warn against such.
I'll iterate, smoking a pipe is a personal event. There is no one way to load a pipe, smoke a pipe, care for a pipe, or even select a pipe. Many here think there is something arcane (gotta know the secret handshake), about the pipe, something mystical, ethereal. The briar pipe is simply a dead piece of wood constructed so as to deliver deliver nicotine and other chemicals into ones body. Cobs, meerschaums and pipes of other materials all have but the one function. Now, some pipe smokers thoroughly enjoy gifting their pipes with magical properties. Some feel smarter. Others more handsome. A few smokers are sure the pipe improves their mental health, sexual proficiency, ability to ... well, fill in the blank.
New smokers are treated to a all sorts of conflicting information and suggestions. Each of us can pretty much only offer up what we learn from our experiences and prejudices. And, each new smoker can only blaze his own trail to success. Perhaps with a nod or two to some bit of information or a suggestion he may stumble onto here.
I doubt what I consider a great smoking experience wouldn tickle the fancy of many other denizens here.