Approaching 2 years into pipe smoking, I thought about what I knew or thought about pipes and pipe tobacco before my switch from cigs to the pipe.
I've been around awhile and my exposure to tobacco began when cigarettes were simply everywhere.
I'd seen people smoke a pipe. Even saw my own dad smoke one once or twice. I didn't pay much attention other than sometimes the smell caught me.
For years, my impression of pipe tobacco was of a strong, harsh, and sometimes hot experience.
I'd tried a pipe more than once back in the days of my youth, but without 'success'.
Pipe tobacco? Prince Albert or Cherry Blend, and Half and Half.
Dr. Grabow and MM were about the only pipes I knew about. Oh..Medico, too.
I inhaled, smoked hard and fast to try to keep it burning and failed at something that in hindsight, I wish I hadn't.
I've been around awhile and my exposure to tobacco began when cigarettes were simply everywhere.
I'd seen people smoke a pipe. Even saw my own dad smoke one once or twice. I didn't pay much attention other than sometimes the smell caught me.
For years, my impression of pipe tobacco was of a strong, harsh, and sometimes hot experience.
I'd tried a pipe more than once back in the days of my youth, but without 'success'.
Pipe tobacco? Prince Albert or Cherry Blend, and Half and Half.
Dr. Grabow and MM were about the only pipes I knew about. Oh..Medico, too.
I inhaled, smoked hard and fast to try to keep it burning and failed at something that in hindsight, I wish I hadn't.