What Would the Forum Chief Pirate Make of this Move I Wonder.

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A few years ago, I was robbed, and a very large black man was taking my statement, kind of intimidating. He asked me to describe the perps. I just froze up, "uuuuuuuhhhhh..." I wasn't sure what the current wording was. What was currently not offensive? I wasn't sure. The officer said, "It's ok, you can say 'black.'" Ha ha.

A few months ago, I was swimming at the Y, and I met a really nice gentleman. I introduced myself, and he said, "you can call me Chink." I said, "like fuck I can. What's your name?" "Chink," he said. I was not about top go around in public calling an Asian man, Chink. WTF, and he shows me his driver's license, sure as hell it was his name. But, still, when I refer to him, I just say, "that guy over there."
And, if you think cancel culture is new, I remember in the 80's my mother, along with millions of other Christian women) stopped buying any Proctor and Gamble products because they had the seal of the Devil on all of their products. Churches across the country spread the word.

The group KISS, obviously stood for Kids in Satan's Service.
Ozzy Osborn was a bat eater.

My father refused to go into any building with a Masonic Seal on it.

Briar Tuck

Nov 29, 2022
Oregon coast
Another one... each word people used for African American started as a way to designate the race, in a kind way, but then as the word was used later to become derogatory, it kept changing.
A fine example of how ridiculous this has become is when the media referred to Nelson Mandela as the first African American president of South Africa.

Zack Miller

Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 13, 2020
Fort Worth, Texas
To discuss this as if it's happening in a vacuum and only about Brownies is absurd. There is practically nothing left untouched by this batshit lunacy of language manipulation and policing for social engineering purposes.

Nearly every single day for years now there is some new bullshit like this...and most of them are actually much more insane than the Brownie thing.

Perfect example is this one which I just ran into in the time since my last comment on this thread:

University of Southern California Removes the Word ‘Field’ For Being ‘Racist”

The University of Southern California has removed the word ‘field’ from the curriculum and academic references because it supposedly has “racist” connotations.

No, this isn’t the Babylon Bee.

The university announced that phrases such as “field of study” will be replaced by “practicum” in order to advance the cause of anti-racism.

ANNOUNCER: It’s a high fly ball to left practicum.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 28, 2022
Insanity is all around us by degrees, behind us, in front of us, to the left, to the right. The correct move is to not propagate it in social venues as though it represents a whole class or group of people. We must recognize foremost that when we react to these fringe moves, we are being played like a fiddle--i.e.-triggered. These decisions, whether its banning books, redefining words, compelled censorship or speech, or politically enshrining personal beliefs, these are done by those who are afraid of complete and functional literate populace. They know their position is fragile and to protect it they seek to protect against any challenge to it, often by any means necessary. Sadly, that seems (according to ALL forms of media) to represent a large minority. One way to tell if someone has been caught up by these currents is to see if they can at least express sympathetic rationalization of an opposing side of an argument, otherwise they're just unreasonable. The greatest pandemic facing us today is not viral, it is a deficit of literacy, rationalism, and appropriate skepticism. Sadly, the internet seems to be the catalyst of this--while fun, on the whole, it seems it is at best a rapidly failing social experiment which either brings about a societal upheaval or collapses under the weight of its own foolishness. I venture the internet as we know it will one day be seen as a dark back alley behind large storefronts such as the Amazon's of the world.


Oct 16, 2020
To discuss this as if it's happening in a vacuum and only about Brownies is absurd. There is practically nothing left untouched by this batshit lunacy of language manipulation and policing for social engineering purposes.

Nearly every single day for years now there is some new bullshit like this...and most of them are actually much more insane than the Brownie thing.

Perfect example is this one which I just ran into in the time since my last comment on this thread:

University of Southern California Removes the Word ‘Field’ For Being ‘Racist”

The University of Southern California has removed the word ‘field’ from the curriculum and academic references because it supposedly has “racist” connotations.

No, this isn’t the Babylon Bee.

The university announced that phrases such as “field of study” will be replaced by “practicum” in order to advance the cause of anti-racism.

Unbelievable but obviously true - no words.


Oct 16, 2020
And, if you think cancel culture is new, I remember in the 80's my mother, along with millions of other Christian women) stopped buying any Proctor and Gamble products because they had the seal of the Devil on all of their products. Churches across the country spread the word.
View attachment 194078

The group KISS, obviously stood for Kids in Satan's Service.
Ozzy Osborn was a bat eater.

My father refused to go into any building with a Masonic Seal on it.
Where’s a piece of toast with the Madonna on it selling for $20,000 when we need it to feel better?


Mar 7, 2013
You know those movie scenes where the crime boss (with his heavies beside him) demonstrates control over an underling by making him say and/or do something humiliating and embarrasing in order to stay alive? Then lets them off with a face slap and a warning to never, ever do it again?

That's been going on for a couple million years. The only changes being clothes worn, the language spoken, and the weapons used.

Fast forward to when the majority of humans are in daily contact with each other in self-determined groups of every size, up to literally millions.

Many in hourly contact.

Many, in fact, in minute-to-minute contact.

And the Bad Guys are doing their thing as industriously as ever.

Instead of subjugating and intimidating a small group of people, though---or a neighborhood, or a city, or even a country---their potential reach has been exponentially extended to the entire planet.

The size of the prize is bigger, and the tools to accomplish it were science fiction territory only a a generation ago, but the urge, the desire, the NEED in the crime boss's mind remains exactly the same: Express power and control over others.

Making people say things and behave in ways that they KNOW are absurd, but do anyway out of fear, is the sort of thing these creatures live for.

The scaled up version of the game is just getting started.

Screen Shot 2021-01-05 at 4.58.10 PM.jpg


Apr 9, 2021
Well I, for one, can't bear the thought of the Chasing Embers moniker taking on a more sinister meaning. I have this dark image in my mind now of someone or some...thing chasing these terrified little Embers (formally known as Girl Guides, Brownies, and Kuntlings) through a moonlit foggy forest with whispers of "Ki ki ki ha ha ha" in the background. Something must be done... Screenshot_20230112-175150~2.png
Jun 9, 2018
"Woke academics urge US Marine Corps to stop calling instructors 'sir' and 'ma'am' to be more gender inclusive and avoid being 'offensive'".

Apparently they want them to use the instructor's last name instead. I can't see that happening. Surely not.

I can imagine Gny. Sgt. Hartman's reaction to a recruit not addressing him as "Sir".


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