What Would the Forum Chief Pirate Make of this Move I Wonder.

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I am not some liberal politically correct babbler of tolerance and inclusivity, but come on... just getting a bunch of old men to grumble about what some Girl Scouts are doing in Canada? It's Canada... Nice is fucking written into their constitutional DNA. I'm as tired of hearing from the "anti-woke" as I am tired of hearing from the "woke" nerds.
It's low hanging fruit. Surely you can find something else in the news to get us grumpy old men all agitated.

Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I think it's ridiculous as they were named so from the helpful spirits of folklore.

My Chasing Embers is a tribal moniker gifted to me by my Shawnee great grandmother when I was a child. Older family members would only refer to me that way when they were still living.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
In the fall of 1972 I enrolled at age 14 in the Future Farmers of America, a fraternal organization now simply called FFA. They accepted the first girl that year, Bobbie Kump.

In early 1973 there was a Father and Son banquet at the high school for the FFA boys. My father and grandfathers were dead and my mother had just divorced my first step father.

My mother would have crashed that banquet, but it would have embarrassed me.

As it was, she called Bobbie Kump’s mother and our two families went to Springfield to eat.

I never forgot.

I didn’t know I was “woke” until recent times, but count me in as part of whatever you call human decency, or Christian kindness, which are different words to say the same thing.


Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
I am not some liberal politically correct babbler of tolerance and inclusivity, but come on... just getting a bunch of old men to grumble about what some Girl Scouts are doing in Canada? It's Canada... Nice is fucking written into their constitutional DNA. I'm as tired of hearing from the "anti-woke" as I am tired of hearing from the "woke" nerds.
It's low hanging fruit. Surely you can find something else in the news to get us grumpy old men all agitated.
I didn't realise I had to pass my posts on to you for approval prior to posting ;) .

I'll try harder to find topics more suitable to your liking Michael but I can't promise anything.




Jan 31, 2011
It's not just Canada, it's the entire western world that is infected with this...and it has nothing whatsoever to do with being "nice"...it's mass psychosis being generated by social engineers.

The only sane way to deal with all of it is to simply refuse to participate. Call it out for the total horseshit it is and just keep calling them Brownies. You'll be doing the children a big favor in helping them to not grow up totally twisted by all of this mind/language fuckery.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I am not some liberal politically correct babbler of tolerance and inclusivity, but come on... just getting a bunch of old men to grumble about what some Girl Scouts are doing in Canada? It's Canada... Nice is fucking written into their constitutional DNA. I'm as tired of hearing from the "anti-woke" as I am tired of hearing from the "woke" nerds.
It's low hanging fruit. Surely you can find something else in the news to get us grumpy old men all agitated.
seriously. They should be able to call their group whatever they think best represents what they're trying to do. Norm Macdonald in his latest not so special had a great joke about this. Which can be summed up as he doesn't understand Shakespeare you know because language is constantly changing.
If you ask me the problem is that nobody has privacy and that's compounded by everyone both side of the issue forgetting to some times just mind their own dang business. Oh it also seems like we've all forgotten too the hypocrisy might be unavoidable but that doesn't make it a competition where we all should be going for gold. I remember seeing one of my friends go on this long rant about how people complain too much and think anyone wants to spend hours hearing their opinions.
And man just to prove my point. This isn't the first time they've changed things. But it's the first time they've changed things in this shallow rapid information age. You know constant bombardment of mostly small insignificant facts coming at a rate that encourages reaction over actually thinking about it.
Or in short yeah we should laugh at them sure, but don't forget to laugh at yourself too. Trust me we're all a bunch of absurd dumb as is (es) and life is better when you don't take it too seriously (kind of like getting a good smoke).


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
In the fall of 1972 I enrolled at age 14 in the Future Farmers of America, a fraternal organization now simply called FFA. They accepted the first girl that year, Bobbie Kump.

In early 1973 there was a Father and Son banquet at the high school for the FFA boys. My father and grandfathers were dead and my mother had just divorced my first step father.

My mother would have crashed that banquet, but it would have embarrassed me.

As it was, she called Bobbie Kump’s mother and our two families went to Springfield to eat.

I never forgot.

I didn’t know I was “woke” until recent times, but count me in as part of whatever you call human decency, or Christian kindness, which are different words to say the same thing.
People are just weird aren't we. We like to think of ourselves as this super rational things, but we're also at least equally superstitious and a little crazy. You can get people myself certainly included to argue both sides of many issues just by presenting them a little differently. I've seen people defend the same thing as just being decent then deride the same thing for being too invasive. The only difference was the first time we were talking about individuals and dealing with that guy not those guys. We define our reality with definitions and terms. And rarely own it. And many of us want to pretend we're not silly like them... But we're all pretty silly and as long as we try I think we'll be o.k..
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Oct 16, 2020
Oh boy . . .

The original name for "Brownies" came from a short story collection, including a tale called, "The Brownies", published in 1871.

Brownies were:

"The Brownies, or as they are sometimes called, the Small Folk, the Little People, or the Good People, are a race of tiny beings who domesticate themselves in a house of which some grown-up human being pays the rent and taxes. They are like small editions of men and women, they are too small and fragile for heavy work; they have not the strength of a man, but are a thousand times more fresh and nimble. They can run and jump, and roll and tumble, with marvellous agility and endurance, and of many of the aches and pains which men and women groan under, they do not even know the names. They have no trade or profession, and as they live entirely upon other people, they know nothing of domestic cares; in fact, they know very little upon any subject, though they are often intelligent and highly inquisitive. They love dainties, play, and mischief. They are apt to be greatly beloved, and are themselves capriciously affectionate. They are little people, and can only do little things. When they are idle and mischievous, they are called Boggarts, and are a curse to the house they live in. When they are useful and considerate, they are Brownies, and are a much coveted blessing. Sometimes the Blessed Brownies will take up their abode with some worthy couple, cheer them with their romps and merry laughter, tidy the house, find things that have been lost, and take little troubles out of hands full of great anxieties. Then in time these Little People are Brownies no longer. They grow up into men and women. They do not care so much for dainties, play, or mischief. They cease to jump and tumble, and roll about the house. They know more, and laugh less. Then, when their heads begin to ache with anxiety, and they have to labour for their own living, and the great cares of life come on, other Brownies come and live with them, and take up their little cares, and supply their little comforts, and make the house merry once more."

Interestingly a recent and pretty good short story titled, "Brownies" explores with the vehicle of two Brownie Troops at camp, one which appear to be all African American (I still think that is unclear) and one of all white, but developmentally challenged, girls, one of whom directed a shall not be stated racial slur in the direction of an African American girl in the first described Troop. The offended Troop then decides upon revenge, based initially on just as much wrong and willful prejudice and misunderstanding, upon the all white, developmentally challenged Troop (all they see is the "white" to start with and not the deeper situation) and goes from there. It is about prejudice on all sides of the aisle, and understanding some folks don't really understand or mean what they say, but at the same time explores the greater responsibility for all in recognizing/dealing with/understanding prejudice and its impact, etc.

I'd suggest keeping the name and commending to youngsters of all genders and backgrounds the reading of both stories.

But I guess easier just to wipe out a tradition not borne of prejudice and foreclosing possible discussion of Brownie Troops used in a recent tale as examples for setting examples for good in the world.

Orange, brown, red, yellow --- what will Canada do with the "Maple Leafs"?
Actually, I used to be a troop leader when my girls were younger. I then was awarded the Green Sprite and then was asked to be on our local BOD, where I served for 4 years after my girls had left. These Canadians though are from a different tradition. They are not Girl Scouts, nor are the affiliated with GSA nor GSA traditions, they are Girl Guides. And, what these Guides decide to do is up to them. I am certain that the opinions forum of old curmudgeons doesn't matter one flip to them. puffy


Jan 31, 2011
To discuss this as if it's happening in a vacuum and only about Brownies is absurd. There is practically nothing left untouched by this batshit lunacy of language manipulation and policing for social engineering purposes.

Nearly every single day for years now there is some new bullshit like this...and most of them are actually much more insane than the Brownie thing.

Perfect example is this one which I just ran into in the time since my last comment on this thread:

University of Southern California Removes the Word ‘Field’ For Being ‘Racist”

The University of Southern California has removed the word ‘field’ from the curriculum and academic references because it supposedly has “racist” connotations.

No, this isn’t the Babylon Bee.

The university announced that phrases such as “field of study” will be replaced by “practicum” in order to advance the cause of anti-racism.



Mar 7, 2013
Social media and the threat of being "cancelled" has people LOOKING for things to pre-emptively change to avoid becoming a target in the future.

Sometimes big, sometimes small, but the dynamic is the same every time.

Which, of course, begs the question who decides what the Karen Mob should screech about.

That's where things get interesting.

The following observation plays a significant role:

I remember when in the 70's women were refusing to be called Mrs. because it connoted that they were owned... but yet, they started hyphenating their names. Ms Smith-Jones... which also connoted that they were owned.
This isn't new. Our language has been evolving with the ebb and tide of human consciousness. It is far from signaling the end of humanity. Just a thing.

Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
To discuss this as if it's happening in a vacuum and only about Brownies is absurd. There is practically nothing left untouched by this batshit lunacy of language manipulation and policing for social engineering purposes.

Nearly every single day for years now there is some new bullshit like this...and most of them are actually much more insane than the Brownie thing.

Perfect example is this one which I just ran into in the time since my last comment on this thread:

University of Southern California Removes the Word ‘Field’ For Being ‘Racist”

The University of Southern California has removed the word ‘field’ from the curriculum and academic references because it supposedly has “racist” connotations.

No, this isn’t the Babylon Bee.

The university announced that phrases such as “field of study” will be replaced by “practicum” in order to advance the cause of anti-racism.

I can think of someone who I'd love to let loose inside that USC meeting room full of geniuses...

Another one... each word people used for African American started as a way to designate the race, in a kind way, but then as the word was used later to become derogatory, it kept changing.

Even down here in Alabama, we change some words. For example in Alabama, we don't like words that are too harsh sounding... like "kart." We soften it to "buggy." It is just less abrasive to our ears. We grab buggies at the grocers, we golf in buggies, and kids ride around in little kids buggies with lawn mower engines. Up North they would call these go-karts... like some sort of German Hitlers, Koughing, kantankerously, to their Mein Kamps.
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Jan 31, 2011
This isn't new.
I must beg to differ...it is new...at least in the west. Nothing that happened in the past related to this language fuckery compares to the onslaught of this woke crap...the sheer volume and ultra-absurdity of it. Take the example I posted above of the word "field" as in field of study. In the past no one regardless of political/social orientation would have considered that anything but BS...and the idea of a university setting such policy would have been laughable...now it's routine.

Recently we all witnessed a Supreme Court nominee who could not define what a woman is. If that doesn't make you realize how extreme and totally insane all of this is I guess nothing will.
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