I attended both Prep School and then Boarding School. My memory of the eating arrangements of the refractory have remained with me till this day. Most dishes were modeled on something not dissimilar to what they fed my Father in the army during WW2. Breakfast seemed to consist of one strip of undercooked bacon, friend egg that glided around in the oil and fried bread. Sometimes you would get sausages that seemed to be 83% bread and were impossible to dip in your egg since the egg yokes were solid. On Sunday you got boiled eggs that were dyed different colors to denote whether they were soft boiled, hard boiled or inedible! Lunch was normally a parade of something that had been recycled from breakfast and transformed into some type of pie. Dinner was usually a soup made from lunches rejects, normally the mashed spud which was turned into potato soup or something that approximated to potato soup. The evening meal which was served after evening prep was usually an exercise in torture. I remember giving the evening grace when the Head Master was away on some function and saying 'For what we about to receive the pigs have just refused!'. In essence the only time the food improved was about ten days before Xmas and Speech Day since they would make an effort to fatten you up before your parents saw you. Funny but I do miss those days as the world had such predictability.