What Was The Worst School Meal You Ever Ate?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 7, 2023
We had some guys in the office who would descend upon and devour plates of cookies or other treats that people would bring in to share. They would invariably eat far, far more than their share and of course never brought in anything themselves.
I think most work places have a guy or two like that . I wish I had had your cleverness !


Jan 31, 2011
We had some guys in the office who would descend upon and devour plates of cookies or other treats that people would bring in to share. They would invariably eat far, far more than their share and of course never brought in anything themselves.

I made up a tray of chocolate covered goodies, pretzels, nuts, bon-bon like things etc. I also made a bunch of “special” items for the jackals. Chocolate covered cotton balls and sliced up tampons.

Everyone else had been warned and we watched as they ate them with only a brief initial pause. The best part was telling them afterwards. They thought we were joking.

Worst cafeteria food, something the dorm food service called Turkey Canoe. A dense football shaped mass of processed turkey swimming in nasty institution grade gravy. Like eating a giant meaty fishing sinker. Turkey Canoe, sounds like a boat but sure don’t float.

I'd definitely have to be starving to eat something called Turkey Canoe.


Apr 14, 2014
Central Ohio
Speaking of white bread and dill pickles, I quite like a quickie sammich of ordinary white bread, white extra-sharp cheddar, German-style dill pickle slices, and a smear of Inglehoffer stone ground mustard.

(A simplified cheeseburger without the meat, basically)

Takes about 30 seconds to make, and flips the "satisfied" brain-switch at 2:00am quite well.

nom nom
George, I make something similar- but I use dark rye bread and add a nice slice of sweet red onion……. And you’re right, it’s best at 2am when you need a “snack “


Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
The only thing I remember from school was that a woman who lived a few meters away sold us breakfast. It consisted of wheat flour cakes, with that wonderful taste of lard, and sugar sprinkled on top. And some buns that were called conch, or caracola, snails, because they were braided, filled with vanilla cream. And as we know, in the old days, everything tasted better.


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
If you have a sensitive stomach, you could easily become scarred for life or end up with anorexia after years of boarding school tucker and university college meals.
I developed a true appreciation of the homespun meals my Grandma lovingly prepared daily.

It spurred me on to learn the basics of cooking from my Grandma and Mum

My girlfriend (now wife) insisted on cooking for me shortly after we met - a roast chicken.
I smelt burnt rubber when the chook emerged from the oven.
She hadn’t removed the rubber band which was holding the legs together.
Worse was in store as she also hadn’t removed the plastic bag with the gizzards from inside the cavity :eek:
Her comment “there’s no way I’m putting my hand inside a chicken !”

Luckily the roast potatoes and carrots were edible.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I was going to say that I couldn't remember a bad meal, until Funk reminded me about the fish sticks. For the most part, we all learned to just coat everything in ranch dressing to make it more palatable. Square pizza, with corn raked on to it with the fork and a coating of Ranch dressing... folded in half and eaten like a taco. mmmmmm, I kind of miss those. Ha ha.

I used to offer to make my kids lunch for them,. but they used to beg to eat in the lunchroom. They were crazy about school lunches. Apparently, they got soup bars, salad bars, and all sorts of things that I never got as a student. My issue was paying for it. Their damned choices would sometimes bring the total for one of them for the day to $18. I was constantly asking them if they was paying for all of their friends too. That makes a month of food very expensive.


The Gentleman From Richmond
May 29, 2023
“Tobacco Row” Richmond Virginia USA
Elementary School 1st grade
New Orleans Louisiana.
On their behalf they usually did a fantastic job. Shrimp Étouffée, Red Beans & Rice, Cheeseburgers etc.
On this particular day it was “Sloppy Joes” and it consisted of some type of shredded mystery meat saturated with a barbecue sauce the color of which was just off and also had the aroma of dumpster juice or sewer gas.
Our teacher was one of these who would tower over you until you finished your meal and on this day I wasn’t having it. She scolded me for not eating and I had to explain my reasons as to why while she stood there arms crossed until I woofed some of it down and only then was I allowed to get up and return to class.
That slop of Sloppy Joes churned and twisted in my stomach like a Tasmanian Devil and at some point I raised my hand and asked to be excused to go to the restroom.
She came over to me and leaned over and that’s when I blew chunks of that crap all over her.
To this day I despise barbecue or any shredded meat and If I ran across that teacher I’d punch her in the face or at-least settle for pissing on her grave.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Ooooh, sloppy joes. I used to love those also.

I also remember that the hamburgers were questionable, but we ate them with enthusiasm. The meat just had a funny smell. They smelled like this one kid that always sat alone at the end of the table. A strange, old, left out on the counter too long kind of smell.
But, if you put enough ranch dressing on anything, you can eat it.

Richmond B. Funkenhouser

Plebeian Supertaster
Dec 6, 2019
I was going to say that I couldn't remember a bad meal, until Funk reminded me about the fish sticks. For the most part, we all learned to just coat everything in ranch dressing to make it more palatable. Square pizza, with corn raked on to it with the fork and a coating of Ranch dressing... folded in half and eaten like a taco. mmmmmm, I kind of miss those. Ha ha.

I used to offer to make my kids lunch for them,. but they used to beg to eat in the ;lunchroom. They were crazy about school lunches. Apparently, they get soup bars, salad bars, and all sorts of things that I never got as a student. My issue was paying for it. Their damned choices would sometimes bring the total for one of them for the day to $18. I was constantly asking them if they were paying for all of their friends too. That makes a month of food very expensive.

I wonder if they still let the kids eat ranch dressing by the half gallon...

I know that's how we made it work.

The ranch was always great.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I wonder if they still let the kids eat ranch dressing by the half gallon...

I know that's how we made it work.

The ranch was always great.
I am not sure. They probably charge per squirt, and that would explain why their damned lunches were so expensive, ha ha.

K.E. Powell

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 20, 2022
West Virginia
It was all bad except for the pizza... I think the worst meal was the fish sticks.

With all the money spent on public schools, why does the food suck?

My son tells me they've taken away the salt packets, and the sweet tea.

It's proof of something... Maybe they hate the kids, maybe they can't do any better, who knows?
It sucks for the same reason food in prisons suck: high volume of consumers and incentive to find the cheapest contractor capable of meeting the bare minimum of nutritional standards. The former problem is not solvable; if you have to feed hundreds, if not thousands, of people at the same time at multiple intervals a day, then quality will suffer as a result. The latter is all an effort to save the taxpayer money and demonstrate that these public institutions are good stewards of the tax payers' money. I can't speak for the inmates, but I can tell you everyone wants better food, books, sports, etc., for their children, until they are asked to actually pay for it. We live in a time where $784 million stealth bombers flying over football stadiums and teachers being forced to write off colored pencils as a tax expense is considered par for course. This is the natural result.

As it currently stands, the number of contractors who handle serving food in large-scale public institutions (e.g. schools, prisons) are few, and the same people who manage food services at your local jail also serve your local middle school. Do with that what you will.

As for the OP's question, for me it has to be the fish sticks. Nasty and served with cauliflower and other vile filth. I grew up poor, so I was a free hot lunch kid and very rarely had any packed lunches. But some of the food was good. Especially those meals where the lunch staff put in the extra effort. Pepperoni roll day was always a real treat, and the staff was friendly and did what they could with what they had. My fellow West Virginians already know how beloved pepperoni rolls are, and the ones served at school lunch were made with love.
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Oct 16, 2020
The two years I was in the dorms our dorm had the best dorm food on campus and was the only dorm that had a separate restaurant for the public not part of where we all ate, same kitchen. No complaints. Until HS I’m sure there were plenty of bad meals but I didn’t eat stuff I didn’t like. HS had a snack shack option other than school lunch - if we didn’t head out for fast food I always had 2 beef burgers and two chocolate milks without fail.