Online, even in this esteemed group, is not at all the place to seek medical information. Thread is locked. Sorry, but it's too important for your health.
I could research this on my own but it’s a pretty endless and annoying topic to deal with researching. Plus, who better to ask medical advice from than a bunch of pipes smokers /s?
Seriously, at 55, I’m going through another cold I caught from my kids, I notice that whereas a cold used to last 4-5 days in my younger years, at 54, it takes 2-3 weeks to get it out of my system. It got me wondering if there are supplements that I should be taking and I’m taking about supplements that research shows are beneficial to men of my age. I know people take a lot of vitamins and supplements, the benefits of which are not clearly indicated in research - so I’m really interested in what is recommended these days by medical establishments or has some support worth taking seriously. Anyone out there on to this topic?
I could research this on my own but it’s a pretty endless and annoying topic to deal with researching. Plus, who better to ask medical advice from than a bunch of pipes smokers /s?
Seriously, at 55, I’m going through another cold I caught from my kids, I notice that whereas a cold used to last 4-5 days in my younger years, at 54, it takes 2-3 weeks to get it out of my system. It got me wondering if there are supplements that I should be taking and I’m taking about supplements that research shows are beneficial to men of my age. I know people take a lot of vitamins and supplements, the benefits of which are not clearly indicated in research - so I’m really interested in what is recommended these days by medical establishments or has some support worth taking seriously. Anyone out there on to this topic?
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