johnnyiii, do some on-line shopping before the show for the kinds of pipes that interest you, so you'll have ballpark ideas on prices. Most exhibitors at the pipe show I attend give at least a small discount in the asking price. I'd suggest, be diplomatic in negotiating. Especially with artisans, you don't want to low-ball the prices too much, because the pipes are their babies. At least give warning if you need to bid significantly lower -- "I'd really like to get this pipe, but I need the price to be somewhat lower, like $XXX.xx." If the seller turns pale, quickly bid again, as high as you can go. You can't script these things before hand, but that's the idea. Likewise, for sellers who are retailing pipes (not their own) if you want to negotiate, you'll get one chance, so keep it reasonable. If you keep offering low-ball prices, the exhibitor will just laugh you off. Remember, this is job income for most of these people. When you like the pipes/tobacco/accessories, but aren't buying at the show, grab a business card if it's available, to help you remember names and get emails and phone numbers, and jot on the back of the card what caught your eye.