What Music With Your Bacci Stash?

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@daimyo, John Herndon, one of the drummers for Tortoise, is a good friend of mine, and he went to school with my girlfriend. It's always great whenever someone recognizes them, they are not mainstream, but very innovative. They always stay with us, when they hit shows in the Southeast. Coming from an art school, I have been blessed to know many who are now in the music industry.
But, for me while working at the bench all day, I like a mix of Jack Johnson style folk to bluegrass (jamgrass) and blues/jazz. Pandora is really my only source of recorded music nowadays. We also have quite a few music festivals in town, just a block from my shop, so on most weekends, I can just walk over and smoke my pipe while enjoying the music.
But, I come from an 70's 80's Grateful Dead and heavy metal background. But, I just never got into the drug/drinking culture, the girls were great though. And, when my hearing started declining, I had to give my eardrums and nerves a rest with more subdued forms of recreational auditory vibrations.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 6, 2013
This makes me pine for the days when I could smoke my pipe at the local Irish Pub while listening to a traditional Irish music session. To me that was the perfect accompaniment. Nowadays, since I can't smoke in pubs and I don't smoke in my house, I usually smoke my pipe outside without music playing. Sometimes I'll listen to an audio book or some classical or traditional Irish music. But mostly it's just the sound of my thoughts and the great outdoors.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
I play soft classical for my tobacco. I have an mp3 player hooked up outside the closet my stash is in. In the evenings I open the door so the tins and jars can hear the music easier.
Mostly at work I listen to classic rock or go with the likes of The Misfits, Ramones, Calabrese, Stellar Corpses or Nim Vin. Just depends on my mood, work load and the general annoyance factor from my coworkers.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Lately I've been blessed with the sound of Trumpeter and Tundra Swans, backed by a chorus of Widgeons and Mallards. It's migration time and I'm out morning and evening with the Nikons on the marshes. Always take a couple of pipes along and a couple of different blends.



Might Stick Around
Nov 18, 2013
Seasick Steve, I can imagine him smoking a pipe:) If you have never heard of him your missing out. Blues, awesome blues with something else...not quite sure.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2014
St.Paul, MN
Titus. Seasick Steve really is a something else! I heard his name dropped in a guitar mag dedicated to folk/blues a couple years age. I have him on my Pandora station. I haven't visited him in awhile. I'll smoke a bowl with him tonight.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2014
St.Paul, MN
+^ Titus. I've been enjoying Seasick Steve again. I feel you may also like Junior Kimbrough. Have you heard him? Shall I just start a thread on blues and briar?



Might Stick Around
Nov 18, 2013
I'm checking out Junior Kimbrough as I type this, awesome stuff, thanks for the suggestion.
My favorite Seasick Steve song is "Just Because I Can (CSX)". I have a love for railways, I love my pipe, I like the idea of smoking my pipe and riding a old freight car "listen to the clickty clack"



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2014
St.Paul, MN
I've been a Pearl Jam fan since I bought the "Ten" cassette way back in '93. I finally get to see them live at the Xcel in St.Paul in 16 hrs. Can't wait! Going to start out with a lil pub crawl then smoke a bowl at The Golden Leaf then pub crawl a little more. Sounds like a great day to me,aye!?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2014
St.Paul, MN
Pearl Jam burned the house down with a 3hr set of 30+ songs. They made up for their lack of visits to MN over the years. They killed it!
On my days off I find myself on YouTube watching all the current St.Paul show videos. I obviously do not want it to end! I'm conflicted about the fans that have their smartphones in the air to "film" the show and those like me that take it all in.
What are your feelings on smartphones filming the show vs just watching it. I personally didn't have an obstructed view from smartphone usage but I'm guessing many did.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
Music, sweet music. They'll be music in the air. They'll be singin and swayin and records playin.
I often find myself having old songs pop into my head for no apparent reason, yet, I try to imagine why. I believe there is one.
I love to surf youtube for covers of these songs from my subconscious. I'll start with the one that is the song's signature and then check out how others have treated the same song.
Just the other day the song "Love Letters" came to mind. I found, so far, 11 covers of this song. Even Joe Walsh, Jeff Beck w/ Tom Jones!, Etta James, and on and on...I'm NOT alone, in the night.
Here's the signature version by Ketty Lester.
Now, click on the King of Covers...Elvis, for comparison.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
By the way, I'm a blues aficionado too. I've been playing the harmonica since 1958. I first learned a song on a gifted Honer 64...which, sadly, I no longer have. I tend to play Suzuki and Lee Oskar's now.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I can rip up some stuff on guitar. I'm also 'self taught'. I play upside down and backwards. I'm a lefty and learned some things early on by messing with other's rh axes. Once I learned a few chords I was off and running. Mostly rhythm with some finger picking thrown in...I've worn out the finish between the frets of G, C, A, and E chords. Sometimes I'll let my instruments sit for weeks...then I'll get fried and pick one up again. Funny how that works.

I posted a clip back when I first joined of me playing my C harp. I was using a youtube backing and it was all spontaneous...not really good, but shows promise. ;)

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