I love the subject of time. I often contemplate what the true nature of it is...and how it relates to consciousness.
Same here, brian...... It's a fascination of mine as well.
Great video too, and probably my favorite S/G song! I have a couple really memorable moments that involve that song.
In 1991 I went to see Paul Simon at a small outdoor venture in Grove City, Ohio. The place was kinda out in the sticks. When he sang the verse "And the moon rose over an open field", he sort of waved his arm towards the crowd. Then he paused, and sang the verse again, and waived his arm towards the crowd. Finally someone looked over their shoulder and then EVERYONE turned around and the crowd went NUTS!! For there, on the horizon behind us was the Biggest brightest full moon I've ever seen- rising over an open field....... it was one of those truly magical moments in my life. To this day, I don't know if that was planned, or sheer blind coincidence, but I like to believe there was some sort of higher-power at work that wonderful night. I will never forget that. (I just dug out my old concert stub from the show (yes, I have them all

) It was August 25, 1991, and looked up the full moon calendar for 1991, and indeed it was a FULL moon) Wanted to make sure my memories weren't playing tricks on me!!
My other memory dates back to 1988, I was in college in Athens Ohio. I had a HUGE 1971 Olds 98, and sometimes on the weekends my buddies and I would gas that thing up and cruise the backways of southern Ohio. This usually involved beer and weed back then too (I know :roll: )............ Well we're driving this backwoods two lane highway and we pass Art G. just walking down the road!! WTF? I says: "THAT was fucking ART GARFUNKEL, MAN!!" My buddies were saying "no way dude, you're too high." "Why would Art. G. be walking down the road? I said 'How would I know?, but THAT was him!" They insisted it was not. Well, I turned the Old 1971 Olds 98 around and approached the walker. We rolled down the windows and my buddy says "Are you Art G?" Art smiled and said, "Why yes, yes I am!" Then we asked him if he needed a ride....... he explained he was walking across America, but thanks anyways.......... Then we told him good luck, and offered him a beer, which he declined. Then we just sort of drove off and waved, and that was it..........
Both true stories, and both very dear to my heart, so thanks again brian, for posting that link, and bringing those old memories back!!
And JBC-- Thanks for reminding me of that Blondie Chaplin album. My freshman roommate had a copy on vinyl and we played that one all the time! I haven't thought of it in over 30 years! I love that album.........