What Music Are You Listening To - April, 2023

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Jan 31, 2011
Beggin' your pardon there stranger
You look like you're new to this town
We're a long way away from the beach here
You won't see many gringos around

Well I come from West Colorado
And I've wandered this world far and wide
I've lived for some years in the shadows
And my eyes are unused to this light

If you buy me a strong drink of whiskey
I will tell you the tale of my life
It's long and it's sad but it fits me
And it may bring a tear to your eye

All the men of my family were solidiers
The hard fightin' straight talkin' kind
When my turn came all that was over
But I'd already made up my mind

I was there when we blew though Grenada
And I still have to ask myself why
Then we took down that fool Noriega
That's where I caught the good colonel's eye

Well he asked me if I loved my country
And before I had time to reply
He regaled me with tales of past glories
I believed every one of his lies

So I left my old life behind me
Turned my back on my family and friends
And I did everything that they asked me
And I lost some sleep now and again

And I lived like a thief and assassin
And I smuggled their poisons sometimes
Until I asked the wrong question in passin'
And the colonel himself dropped the dime

So if you're ever in west Colorado
Tell the folks in Durango goodbye
There's a price on my head and I can't go
I'll just wait around here 'til I die



Sep 20, 2019
I saw him once many years ago...had never heard of him, but he was opening for, I think it was America if I remember right. I thought he did a good set. Never really followed him, but every now and then something reminds me of him. I can certainly appreciate what he wrote in that song.
Gig last night was really fine. Only about 50 people there. He did a very nice set with no opener and hung out after visiting with maybe a half dozen people. Definitely check him out if he is in your neck of the woods!