Tobacco Nazi - Non-smoker - smoker - pipesmoker - serious pipesmoker - fanatical pipesmoker - chasingembers
:rofl:I am prepared to open up a category just for you, CE.
bassplug: I reiterate! A serious smoker, to you, is whomever you designate as a "serious smoker" using whatever criteria you choose. Or, you can use another's definition and let them define such if you like. But, there is no official in the pipe smoking realm, well excepting you know who (A Canadian with imPECKable taste), qualified to make an oh-FISH-al definition of "serious smoker." And, he could easily make it all appear legal. Internationally also!Define "serious" and you'll have your answer.
I would say Dean goes up to the next level times 100. 8O(A Canadian with imPECKable taste)
I think he means those who object to the term "smoker" because it automatically means cigarette smoker to most people.Okay I get all of it but non-smoker. Huh?
.....I would say getting tremendous enjoyment out of the pipes and tobacco that I have and hope to have, while not apologizing for it. Also learning. Learning about how to improve the experience.