What Kind of Pipes do you Like and Why?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 21, 2009
I currently have 33 pipes in my collection. I’ve owned hundreds in 50 years of pipe smoking.

My favorites now are:

1) Caminetto Moustache grade (10 pipes)
1 a) Brebbia Linea A only (6 pipes)
1 c) Older GBDs, Perspex stems only (5)

Side note: the Perspex stem is the best ever made.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 15, 2021
The Woodlands, TX
When I have a really comfortable nicotine experience, tend to look at the pipe and think "what a great pipe" and then I fall in love with the pipe.

So, it's very possible that I judge the pipe for what should be attributed to what's in it. Still, there are some pipes I smoke great my favorite tobacco in and it doesn't do anything for me.
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Searock Fan

Oct 22, 2021
Southern U.S.A.
There was a time I much liked Italian pipes but not so much anymore. I mostly like English and Americana - recently the early Kaywoodies. Early Kaywoodies seem like a mixture of extremely high quality and hardscrabble prewar American life. Plus, they’re still kind of cheap.
Anyway, there are so many different styles. I admire them. I’d never buy a Mummert but I sure do admire them and I’ll sit and look at his pipes.
What kind of pipes do you like and why? Or are you an omni-piper?
Until now I was not aware of Mummert pipes. I took a look and all I can say is "what an imagination". He has to be very popular at the asylum. puffy


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
I find it strange/intriguing/inexplicable why some shapes resonate but a fairly similar one will not

For instance I have over 40 Bulldogs, but only 3 Rhodesians
And of those Bulldogs, none are of the tall variety - a shape I actively dislike

My latest "like" are Lovats
But only if they are short ie >5ins in length
I don't like longer Lovats. Nor Canadians
And not Liverpools nor Lumbermen
Seems like the common denominator is their length.
But I DO like long Billiards eg Bings, which look elegant to me

🤔 cray
Dec 3, 2021
Pennsylvania & New York
I find it strange/intriguing/inexplicable why some shapes resonate but a fairly similar one will not

For instance I have over 40 Bulldogs, but only 3 Rhodesians
And of those Bulldogs, none are of the tall variety - a shape I actively dislike

My latest "like" are Lovats
But only if they are short ie >5ins in length
I don't like longer Lovats. Nor Canadians
And not Liverpools nor Lumbermen
Seems like the common denominator is their length.
But I DO like long Billiards eg Bings, which look elegant to me

🤔 cray

It's funny—aesthetically, I love squat Bulldogs and Rhodesians, but I've found that my tall Bulldogs (variants of the Savinelli 514) smoke wonderfully; I've come to love the 514 because of the smoking properties, but visually still prefer low slung profiles.


Can't Leave
Nov 22, 2022
I explored pretty much all styles but have settled, over the last almost 3 years, on briar, English, classic shapes. I still prefer sandblasts, for practical reasons but do have a decent number of Smooths I enjoy, but in the house only as I like playing outdoors. Thus the preference for the blasts.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 29, 2022
Palmer AK
My pipe fascination is, relatively speaking, quite new. I mention this because I don’t have years of trying different shapes etc for longer periods of time, as some do. I’ve hit it pretty hard and fast though, head first you might say, with a growing collection and learning more about what I really appreciate in a pipe.
Anyways, full bent pipes are my preference. If not full bent then at least some bend. I just like the lines. Once in hand I really like a medium size bowl, maybe in the egg/billiard/apple realm. Something that my hand forms to kinda naturally.
I haven’t been smoking pipes long enough to really have an opinion on chamber dimensions.
From there some little details I seem to repeatedly look for are Cumberland stems, copper or dark shank accents, if any at all, and saddle stems. Nice grain smooth pipes, and real unique or symmetrical ring blasts are standouts.
Of course I enjoy all sorts of different shapes, makers and so on, and sometimes something really different jumps out at me. But in general, that’s what I’m drawn to


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2023
Maryland, United States
I think the prettiest pipes are zulu/woodstock/yachtsman depending on who is carving it. The lines are so graceful with that pretty S curve. Those are followed very closely by a 1/2 bent dublin. Right on their heels is a long pencil shank billiard, like a Bing. However my favorite to smoke are deep bent pipes. So if I could smoke an oom paul while looking at someone's collection of smooth zulus, I'd be a happy guy.


Starting to Get Obsessed
I am a wet smoker so mainly smoke Peterson Systems and have collected a fair few over fifty years of pipe smoking, I have have a Savinelli dry system that I like a lot and have a collection of Freehand pipes but rarely smoke them.
Well, here is something I hadn't heard yet... "wet smoker" and "dry system"... Could I respectfully request an explanation?


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Steam and condensation is a result of combustion
If you don’t dry your tobacco sufficiently or you smoke like a huffing billy then moisture, gurgles and XS dottle results

Various devices eg stingers, inner tubes, filters have been invented to combat this problem

Peterson came up with their “system pipes” - essentially a moisture well/trap
The Savinelli “dry system” is an imitator
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Jun 16, 2011
Middle England
Well, here is something I hadn't heard yet... "wet smoker" and "dry system"... Could I respectfully request an explanation?
You may request, my mouth has always created to much moisture and I have a permanent wet mouth, smoking a pipe I tend to dribble down the stem, the Peterson System Standard System pipe was designed to help with this problem, it has a well within to hold excess moisture, also the P-Lip helps as the airhole is upward pointing and is above the moisture in my mouth, I also find that I get better flavour with the P-Lip, I have been smoking Petersons for over 50 Years and they suit me. If and when I smoke a standard pipe I have to hold the bowl above the end of the mouthpiece or I will flood the bowl with spittle, Falcon type pipes also help my with this problem.


Starting to Get Obsessed
You may request, my mouth has always created to much moisture and I have a permanent wet mouth, smoking a pipe I tend to dribble down the stem, the Peterson System Standard System pipe was designed to help with this problem, it has a well within to hold excess moisture, also the P-Lip helps as the airhole is upward pointing and is above the moisture in my mouth, I also find that I get better flavour with the P-Lip, I have been smoking Petersons for over 50 Years and they suit me. If and when I smoke a standard pipe I have to hold the bowl above the end of the mouthpiece or I will flood the bowl with spittle, Falcon type pipes also help my with this problem.
I have noticed that I get a pretty wet mouth as well when I smoke. I thought it was just me getting acclimated to smoking. I will definitely look into these systems. Thanks for the explanation!
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Steam and condensation is a result of combustion
If you don’t dry your tobacco sufficiently or you smoke like a huffing billy then moisture, gurgles and XS dottle results

Various devices eg stingers, inner tubes, filters have been invented to combat this problem

Peterson came up with their “system pipes” - essentially a moisture well/trap
The Savinelli “dry system” is an imitator
Thanks for the explanation! Very helpful as always.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2022
I swear i like something new each day, and usually my favorite pipe is the one i'm smoking. Lately, i've been drawn to my couple bent eggs