A Jack Russell and looking at getting a new German Shepard to replace the one I just lost to old age .I also have a mud turtle who shows up every spring in the landscape up in front of the house .
He was the runt, and was being picked on by the other puppies according to the kids.
He is an Akita, Shepherd mix.... yeah... just a medium sized horse...uh dog.
He got to big for my wife to handle so we gave him to one of my wife's cousins near here.
My dog, who is now in Arizona while I attend college. The usual "boy goes to college" scenario hasn't yet occurred, thank God.
My turtle, Dr. Victor Von Snapperson. He is an Alligator Snapping Turtle, and I'll probably end up passing him on to my son, and he will pass him on to his son. Because those things live like 150 years lol.