Same standard for cleaning just about anything else I put in my mouth.
Warm water, lots of soap suds, and a thorough cleaning. Anything less is just sloppy, in my opinion.
I would never give my dishes or my wife's ass a cursory rub with moonshine and call it a job well done, but that's just me. I've got standards.
However, I'm not surprised at a lot of the cleaning "standards" put forth in the forums.
In a place predominately made up of dudes -who are notorious for being close to sub-human in respects to general cleanliness if you ask the opinion of the other 50% of the population- I fully expect the answer to be along the lines of "splash a little booze on it and call it good!"
Funny stuff... but sadly, entirely predictable.
Now, everyone, let's recite the possum lodge men's prayer by Red Green.
I am a man.
I can change.
If I have to.
I guess.